Apple Releases iOS 12.1.3; Bringing Fixes for Bugs Affecting iPad Pro, HomePod, and CarPlay

By AppleVis, 22 January, 2019

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Apple has today released iOS 12.1.3 to the public, bringing fixes for multiple bugs affecting iPad Pro, HomePod, CarPlay, and more.

According to [Apple's release notes via MacRumors, iOS 12.1.3 contains

  • Fixes an issue in Messages that could impact scrolling through photos in the Details view
  • Addresses an issue where photos could have striped artifacts after being sent from the Share Sheet
  • Fixes an issue that may cause audio distortion when using external audio input devices on iPad Pro (2018)
  • Resolves an issue that could cause certain CarPlay systems to disconnect from iPhone XR, iPhone XS, and iPhone XS Max

This release also includes bug fixes for HomePod. This update:

  • Fixes an issue that could cause HomePod to restart
  • Addresses an issue that could cause Siri to stop listening

At the time of posting, we are not aware of any accessibility-related changes in iOS 12.1.3. If you do notice any accessibility-related changes in iOS 12.1.3, please post a comment letting the community know your experiences.

iOS 12.1.3 is available via Over-the-Air Update (Settings > General > Software Update) or via iTunes on a Mac or PC.

Before updating, we strongly recommend making a full and complete backup of your device (either in iTunes or iCloud, depending on personal preference). This will ensure that, in the unlikely event that something goes wrong during the update process, you will have a current backup on hand in case a device restore becomes necessary. Also, if using OTA update, we recommend plugging your device into a power source for the duration of the download/installation process, so as to prevent the unlikely event of your battery going dead during the update.

More information on how to update the software on your iOS device is available on this Apple Support page.

As always, we look forward to hearing your thoughts on this update.



By Aaron on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 - 15:54

The focus issue does not appear to be fixed in the Apple News app. It's disappointing that there have been three iOS 12.1.x updates since the issue first arose (at least since I noticed it) and Apple still hasn't addressed it yet. I think its time for me to start looking for alternatives to the Apple News app.

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 - 15:54

If you want an alternative to the News app. I suggest an app called Smart News.

By Rocker on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 - 15:54

Not fixed as of yet. I want to point out that this focus issue is not just a Safari bug. I have seen it in Mail, News and RSS readers such as Newsify, Lier etc. etc. As a beta tester I have been hounding Apple via the feedback app after every release. We need to continmue to lobby Apple on this one folks! Cheers...Rocker

By peter on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 - 15:54

Yes, I agree. It is very sad to see that this long-standing bug with reading in the News app with VoiceOver has still not been fixed. Does Apple know how frustrating it is to be reading articles when focus suddently jumps to the beginning of the article and then one has to find one's place in the article again, reread part of what one already has read, and then start over again?

Unbelievable after so many updates!


By Seanoevil on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 15:54

Here is a copy of the bug report I filed with Apple after installing IOS12.1.3
Device: Apple iPhone 6S
OS: IOS 12.1.3
App: Apple News App.
Accessibility: VO (VoiceOver) is enabled.
Peripherals: No Peripherals are in use.
Problemm: Since upgrading to the latest IOS 12.1.3 on January 24, the Apple News App is quitting unexpectedly.
the unexpected quit is triggered by the use of the Scrubbing gesture with VO, and is 100% repeatable.
Steps to re-create problem.
1. Open the News App by double tapping Screen Icon.
2. Navigate to any News article, and Double Tap to open.
3. Flick right on the screen to have VO read the Article.
4. Use the standard Scrubbing Gesture, sometimes called the Z Swipe to go Back one screen.
The desired outcome of using the Scrub/Z Swipe is to return to the NewsFeed. It is a proxy for the Back Button.
Instead, upon using the Scrub/ZSwipe, I am booted from the App and returned to the Home Screen.
The News App remains in the App Switcher.
On returning to the News App, VO Focus is on the NewsFeed, so it did go back one screen.

Note, using the back button within the News App works as expected and does not trigger this response.

Attempted Fix.
Before reporting this Bug, I have removed and restarted the News App from within the App Switcher.
I have restarted the iPhone 6S
I have completed a Soft Reset of the iPhone 6S.



By taichong on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 15:54

Hello, I just want to tell that the the bug present in IOS 12 while voice over turn on Are still exist. Some of the buttons are not working when wifi or bluetooth are suddenly turn on. This is not happen when voice over are off.

By gregg on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 15:54

I have also found this bug in other browsers, news apps, and some rss apps. The bug and loss of focus also occurs in some lists and after a notification is announced.It appears that the trigger is voiceover is attempting to read something new and cannot return to where it had focus before the trigger. Example, time stamp or count indicator..

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 15:54

Has anyone noticed that Vo. speaks correctly? Apostrophes are said now! For example, that's is no longer that s. I noticed it today typing on Facebook.

My only annoyance is that when saving photos from Facebook, it wants to put my ipad in portrait mode. I just flick up so that I don't have to turn my ipad. So it's a minor annoyance. And it could be Facebook and not Apple. And I'm seeing the focus issue. But in my case it's in the mail app. I was cleansing my inbox and Vo. kept jumping down to an email that was opened to read. These are irritating but I can put up with them. And if it happens in the news app or safari, I'll put the page through AirRead.

By fatih on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 15:54

This update has roumors of disconnecting mobile data, even wi-fi connections. Are those roumors true?

By Justin on Saturday, February 23, 2019 - 15:54

Supposedly, those with certain networks, not sure which ones, do have network issues. Not sure if it's a carrier update thing or not. So far, i haven't had this issue myself, but have heard others on this talking about it. If you want to hear about this check out the unleashed podcast just released a few days ago on here.