Announcing the Reopening of the AppleVis Website

By AppleVis, 9 September, 2024

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Dear AppleVis Community, friends, and supporters,

We are very excited to announce that the AppleVis website has fully reopened. Please read on for some important updates:

  • We will be publishing all of our traditional content surrounding Apple's Fall software releases in the coming days. This includes blog and podcast coverage of today's Apple Keynote; as well as a listing of bugs present in iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia. Our bug lists will be made available prior to the release of the software.
  • In response to community feedback and in an attempt to meaningfully address some of the issues that nearly lead to the site's permanent closure, we have updated and clarified our posting guidelines. AppleVis is a shared space, and we want everyone to feel welcome here. We ask that everyone please review these guidelines prior to posting on the website.
  • Be My Eyes has assumed full responsibility for funding all financial costs associated with operating AppleVis; thus, user donations are no longer necessary for our survival and Club AppleVis has been closed. We are deeply grateful to all those who so kindly donated to AppleVis in the past, no matter the amount.
  • We have a new account on Mastodon. Our previous Mastodon instance is no longer active. Our new Mastodon username is: @[email protected].
  • In addition to sharing new blog posts to our Facebook page, we will also begin sharing podcasts and new app directory entries. If you use Facebook and have input on what types of content is posted, please definitely let us know.
  • Our monthly Apple news podcast, AppleVis Unleashed, is relaunching as Apple Crunch. The first episode will be released in late September.

If you encounter any issues or have questions, please reach out to us using our Contact Form. A member of our team will be in touch as soon as possible. You are also welcome to add a comment on this post, but using the contact form will allow us to respond quicker and provide more personalized assistance.

Looking ahead, we are tremendously excited for this next chapter at AppleVis. AppleVis' greatest asset has always been and will always be its community. Thank you for your support.




By Lee on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Great your back. Let's all build the community to be better than ever.

By mr grieves on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Firstly I just want to say how happy I am to see Applevis back. I've missed you!

I would also like to say a really big thank you.

Firstly, for David and his 14 years of outstanding service. I can't express how grateful I am to him plus all the other contributors - whether it be all the blog posts, the amazing podcasts and for providing such a fantastic space for us all to get together. Somewhere actually built from the ground up to be easy to use.

Thank you so much, David for making this all possible.

And of course, thank you to the knights in shining armour, Be My Eyes, for bringing this back from the brink. I've been feeling a little lost and now it feels like I've come home again.

I started visiting here a few years ago. I bought my first Mac - a lovely big 27" iMac. I was low vision then and seem to remember arriving here trying to figure out how to make my email dark.

Since then, my eyes deteriorated and I had to start learning a screen reader. As I was using a Mac anyway, that was VoiceOver. And Applevis providing me not only with loads of great resources but also the kindness and understanding I needed at the time. I asked some pretty stupid questions back then and the community here was always so kind and helpful. I will never forget it.

Since then, I've found it to be such a great place to talk to other blind folk. I find social media a bit overwhelming but I've never had the same anxiety here.

Applevis has given me so much information but even more than that, it has made me feel less alone as I continue to take unsteady steps into the unknown. The tech of the future has so much potential but is also as complicated and intimidating as ever which makes having somewhere to make sense of it all so important.

Here's to the next 14 years. again thanks so much to everyone who has made this site possible and has made me feel so welcome.

By JC on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

welcome back! Glad to see that the site is back up again for everyone. Lots of stuff to look forward to.

By PaulMartz on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

the word "thanks" seems woefully insufficient.

By Michael Feir on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

I'm ever so happy to have this resource available. It helped convince me to get my first iPhone, and iPhone 4. When I wrote the first edition of my book, Applevis was there to help spread the word. Most of all, I'm glad app developers, Apple accessibility staff, and others have a central place to turn in order to find out what's working and what isn't when it comes to accessibility for blind users. That's an absolutely priceless platform to have our concerns heard and acted on.
It certainly eases the process of finishing the third edition of my book. The app directory and forum discussions are ever so useful when figuring out which apps are the best for certain tasks and which have undeservedly gotten less appreciation than they should.
I keenly look forward to participating in a more friendly and civil community. Once I figure out my Zoom H4E recorder, I may attempt to contribute some demonstrations of apps.

By Justin Harris on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

I have seriously missed this site and the community. The info is only part of it, though I can't count the times info on this site has gotten me out of a jam. It's also the sense of community. While I don't know anyone on this site really well, I really enjoy the interaction, and am so happy to see it back. When the closure was announced, I, like many others, felt a bit lost. I'm very much looking forward to all that can and will be done with the new management, though that is not meant to take anything away by any means from David and the rest of the team, because what you all have built to this point is absolutely awesome, and will only continue to improve.

By Brooke on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

I'm so glad Applevis is back!! Like so many others, I felt kind of lost when the closure was announced. Applevis was the resource I used most when I got my first iPhone, and even now, if I'm having an issue or am curious about an app's accessibility, this is my first stop. Plus I missed the interaction with the community in general.

By TamagotchiTune on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

I have missed it here. I got on every day and have posted myself a few times and this place has been helpful. Thanks David and everybody and Be My Eyes for everything!

By HarmonicaPlayer on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

keep up the good work :) i am happy site is reopened :)

By Ramy on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

so happy really,
i can not imagine my life without this great community.
wish you best of luck

By Dennis Long on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

I'm beyond glad Applevis is back. I have issues using the touch screen. I said Does apple have keyboard support. Low and behold I found it did. Applevis was the reason I got my iPhone. I've met people I still talk to today from applevis. I've gotten so much good information from this site it is beyond amazing. When I heard it was going to close I about cried. Our community where we could go to see if x or y app is accessible is gone that's what went through my mind. To Be My Eyes Thank you a million times over. Without you saving the site it wouldn't be hear. David Thank you for starting this. Without your vision Applevis never would've been hear. I've purchased apps as a direct result of the communities recommendations. so to the Community Thank you!

By Geovanni Bahena on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

A big thanks to Be my Eyes for seeing the importantce of this community.
My first device I got was an iPod forth gen. The community here was so helpful in my learning how to use a touch screen.

By Bingo Little on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Now, I'm about to say something shocking: there was, I think, one entity that was glad applevis was about to close. I speak of the company that pays Bingo's wages. What productivity gains they must have anticipated - at least he won't spend all day reading about the Apple keynote or ranting about how blasted Siri voices are always deleted. alas for the old firm, but hurrah for the rest of us! very glad to see this site back. I found the iPhone rather scary when first I purchased it and felt it was a purchase I'd been rather forced into. Applevis has probably turned into the most useful website I have ever used. Plus, it's a fine community we have. anyway, back to work...

By Mich240 on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Firstly, thank you for such an incredible resource. Like everyone here, the reason I found this website was because I got an Apple device in someway. In my case, it was the fact that I was given one by a friend of mine.

The site was incredibly valuable when I got given that device at the time, which was an iPhone 5s. The wealth of knowledge and content is what made me want to keep coming back.

Thank you also to David Goodwin, the founder of this website. What you have built over the last 14 years along with your editorial team, made it so I can now use an Apple device with ease and has made me so much more productive than I ever thought possible.

By Oliver on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

It's been a long couple of months. So glad BME shouldered apple vis. I look forward to seeing where it goes in the future.

By ming on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

I am glad that it is reopen again...

By Morgan Watkins on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

I am tremendously happy that AppleVis is back! Thanks to David, the entire editorial team and to Be My Eyes! I have also become very attached to what is available on this site and to the community who participates in this wondrous place. It's a very good day!

By SSWFTW on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Hey, everybody. I am incredibly grateful that this website is back up! It has meant so much to me over the years. It’s such a relief to have such a wonderful resource available again. Thank you to be my eyes, and for all the effort and support that went into funding and maintaining the site. I truly hope we have many more years of Apple discussions and accessibility advancements ahead!

By Winter Roses on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

I echo the sentiments that have been posted before. I literally forgot that the website was reopening today. Life has been pretty hectic. Either way, this definitely is a big win for our community. Actually, it's like we never even left at all, only on a temporary one month hiatus. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all that jazz, right? Best of luck to the new team, and I can't wait to see where we go from here.

By PaulMartz on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Wow, look at those names. This is like the movie The Big Chill. So cool to see you all again.

One name is conspicuously absent. Anyone remember Lottie? A.K.A. Charlotte. I noticed she deleted her account shortly after the lights went out. If anyone knows her, invite her back.

By Oliver on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Sorry, I should also say, thank you to David and the team for working to save this resource. I know it has been a really rough ride all around, so the tenacity of the team has been outstanding.

As for David, I wish you the very best in your future endevers. You have given the world a wonderful resource and I'm delighted you've found someone equally amazing to pass the torch to.

By Zoe Victoria on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

I'm so happy that AppleVis is back! I discovered so many cool apps and features that I wouldn't have otherwise without this site, as well as sharing some of my own. This is so great!

By mr grieves on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

I agree, Paul, reading all these comments is making me a little tearful. It feels like we are just picking up where we left off which is wonderful.

Re lottie, she did reappear here under a new name and is quite active on Mastodon, as well as appearing on So she will definitely know applevis is back. I am also hoping that she will reappear shortly. If not, a nudge may be in order.

By TheBlindGuy07 on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Let's go applevis. David Goodwin you have built a community you can definitely be proud of. I hope everything goes well in your life outside applevis and other exciting opportunities will be offered to you. Take care of your health first though that's the most important and stay well with your familly.
Otherwise, my gratitude to be my eyes, nobody expected that but I think very few would be disappointed as be my eyes as a whole is very well regarded in the blind community worldwide.

By Carter Wu on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

During the period when the website was closed, even though I knew there would be no new posts, I would still open the website every day to check it out, because browsing information about Apple's accessibility features on AppleVis has become a habit of mine that I have maintained for ten years.Now you are finally back.I am so happy!

By Jonathan Candler on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Fantastic stuff here. I can't wait to see what all the team comes up with of this next chapter!

By Melissa Roe on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Hello everyone,

I'm so jazzed that Applevis can live on as one of the best resources for users with visual impairments to benefit from. I hope this community continues to thrive under its new management. I'm so thankful to David Goodwin, the entire knowledgeable team of staff who kept us informed with changes to each version of Apple's Opperating systems and other pertinent information. The guide, forums, blogs and podcasts were a source of much needed information, and I hope many will continue to enjoy this site for many years to come. Also, thank you to Be My eyes for stepping up to the plate. Because of your generosity, the legacy of Applevis can continue to build.
I look forward to many more years of interaction and learning from this space that I hope can remain safe and welcoming for all.

By Tarja on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

I am so happy that AppleVis is back. I missed this community, especially app directories, blog posts and podcasts.
I am excited what this community will achieve with Be My Eyes.

By MuseumShuffle on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Thank you for making this happen!

I've gotten some great feedback here for making my apps more accessible. It's a great resource.

By DrummerGuy on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

I truly missed you all.
It is great to know the website is back and better than ever.
Thank you for reopening and for turning the lights back on.
It is great to be here again.

By Khushi on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

gonna stream "long live" taylor's version hahahaha
am so glad its back
missed opening it all the time

By Ann Marie B on Tuesday, September 10, 2024 - 07:34

Hello all. I have to admit when I heard of AppleVis impending closure; I felt a bit down. I thought where would I turn for app accessibility, iOS updates, VO info, and the like. When I saw that BME was assuming full responsibility of the cite,, I felt relieved. AppleVis isn't lost after all as it has been an invaluable resource.! I also want to extend my heart felt appriciation and thanks to David Goodwin and the team for his unwavering commitment to applevis and look forward to what is in store for the future. Thank you again for the generosity of BME. Here's to looking ahead to the next chapter of AppleVis. :)

By Panais on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 07:34

The work you have done here is priceless to me and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for it.
I will miss your firm hand in administering this website. The worst thing is that being the far from perfect meet sack that I am, I realized those things when the website closed down and I deeply regret that.
I wish you all the best in your life.

By Southpaw on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 07:34

I'm very happy that things are up and running again! Huge thanks to everyone behind the scenes at applevis, the Be My Eyes crew for the financial lifting, and all the users that make this site a matchless resource!
I'm happy to be part of this community!

By Nicholas on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 07:34

Hello from Nicholas,

What an amazing morning I am having! After leaving a long ago situation where I had no best choice, but could not continue on that path, on a whim I came upon a light in my darkness and found this treasured post. Even more miraculous, my login info still works. Am I dreaming? (Pinch, ow!), no, I'm awake, this is real.

I won't go into the issue that caused my absence, but after my struggles with the troll I felt sure that my world was shrinking. Yet, this morning has righted my world again.

Many thanks to the founder David for his years of effort! It was not for naught. As with the others, what you have built has lighted a path for many who desperately needed the boost. Regardless of the past, I truly wish to thank you for this community. Thank you!

Also many thanks to Be My Eyes, whose app I have recently started using as well, their insight in supporting this community is amazing! As is their app.

Last but not least, a huge thank you and warm wishes to the current editorial team for all you have been and will be doing here at AppleVis! To say it is much appreciated is an understatement at best.

For myself, I am greatly relieved; my floundering through way too many inaccessible sites where nobody knows what a screen reader is; are over! My bright spot in the gray Muggles world has appeared again. (Big sigh of relief!)

Its back baby! :-)

By Ekaj on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 07:34

Hi Nicholas and welcome back to AppleVis. I'm glad your troubles are over, whatever they were. I, too, am so happy that AppleVis is back up and running. I've used Be My Eyes for a little over a year, and really like it. Welcome back to everybody else as well. I thought I had commented on this thread but I guess not. Anyway, to the BME team I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Technology has become one of my passions in life, and your app is just one example of that. I honestly wasn't expecting that the BME team would be able to step up to the plate, but it's so great that they have done this.

By Nicholas on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 07:34

Hello Ekaj,

Its good to see you are back as well. Along with many of the long-timers still around, this is the best return of a web community I think I have ever experienced. (Pinch, Ow. Nope, still awake! Woot!)

As for the BME team, you have scored extra points with a huge community for a long time. If the team ever shows up at my place, extra chocolate syrup on your ice cream for life. :-)

By AbleTec on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 07:34

Just to echo a few of the sentiments here. David g, what you did was nothing short of amazing, & that word doesn't do it justice. I wish you speedy recovery, a return to good health, & much needed precious time spent w/friends & family. Be My Eyes is a wonderful organization in its own right & has only grown stronger w/the acquisition of Applevis.

I don't post on here a lot. But from this community I gained an unexpected gift--a good friend--actually an adoptive brother, really, in Paul Martz. On a whim I asked if he would be willing to help me teach a class on using the WordPress editor w/a screen reader, & he generously & graciously replied yes. I don't talk w/him nearly as much as I'd like, but I know he's always there, & I know I can always call & talk if required. Last time it was to tell him about my poor phone. & I hope he knows the same about me. It's not very often one makes a close friend on an online community, but I have been blessed in that regard. So thanks Applevis & Be My Eyes. The door remains open for others to be likewise gifted, & that's beyond cool.

By Exodia on Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 07:34

I'm so glad we're fully up and running again. Yay! I just now saw this but I'm still very glad.