KNFBReader iOS App Announced for $99

By Michael Hansen, 6 July, 2014

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Update, 7/15/2014, 12:22 PM CDT: Added a link to the official unveiling and demonstration of the KNFBReader app.

K-NFB Reading Technology has today announced a wealth of information about the upcoming KNFBReader iOS app.

The KNFBReader iPhone app, which is expected to be available to the public in late August for $99, was demonstrated at the 74th annual convention of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB), a membership organization of blind people in the United States.

Some of the features of the KNFBReader iPhone app include:

  • Recognition of PowerPoint slides, from up to 25 feet away.
  • Scanning and OCR for PDF documents.
  • A "Field of View" report for documents.
  • A book scanning mode for quickly scanning many pages.
  • The ability to navigate text by word, sentence, etc.
  • The ability to save in a variety of file formats, including PDF.
  • The ability to scan business cards and save to contacts
  • Recognition and translation between different languages.

K-NFB Reading Technology has made a recording of the official unveiling and demonstration of the KNFBReader app available at

Will you be purchasing the KNFBReader iPhone app? Let us know in the comments!



By Allison Hartley on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

As someone stated in a previous comment, there are many apps for sighted people which are also quite espensive. Ofen times, they don't have an option to try out a light or trial version. We should not expect preferential treatment because most of us aren't wealthy.

By riyu12345 (not verified) on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

Hi. Yeah the scanner sounds more like what I'd use, but at the same time having these apps on our phones is better than carrying a scanner around. so Hmm I don't know... Guess the best thing is to wait and see what happens.

Very good point raised about the OCR engine being used. Some of those third-party engines are really quite expensive and probably have to be paid upfront for use within an application.

As an owner of the very original KNFB reader, I will be buying this application. I missed out on the mobile version because I felt that the company took advantage of early adopters but this is irrelevant years after the event. I will be very interested to buy the software and give it a try. One would assume that the camera in today's phones is significantly better from a low-light point of view in any case compared to back then.

By alex wallis on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

I wish they would get around to posting some proper demonstrations,
when I asked them on twitter all they said was that they would post them soon.
I wish they would also give us more of a firm idea of a release date, I know this partly depends on apple as they have to review the app before posting it in the store,
but it would be nice to know if the app has been submitted to apple yet etc.

I am also getting a little tired of all the hype knfb have been creating around the app, constantly tweeting about demonstrations at NFB etc, when actually putting nothing out for those of us unable to attend NFB, the constant tweeting does feel a bit over the top and the hype is a bit much.
Its annoying they weren't able to record the live stream and just post that a few hours after the event.
It feels a bit like they have been concentrating two much on there US customers and those able to attend NFB and are not so bothered about those of us outside the US, I suppose they are likely to get a lot of there sales from the US.

I agree that it would be nice to listen to some controlled demonstrations without background sounds and such but the hyping of the product is commonplace in today's social media. I suspect the release will be sooner rather than later though as KNFB haven't sent out tweets in years until now.

By alex wallis on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

Hi, yes I think your right, the blog entry actually says late august for a release date, but that's not very precise,
yes I know product hyping is common with social media unfortunately, I am not the biggest fan of it though do admit it has its uses.

By Aaron C on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

A few recordings of the KNFB demos have been put out by folks on Twitter, but nothing official. I'm not really surprised by this, as I can't think of many companies that have released audio demos pre-launch. I have no doubt you'll have plenty of demos to choose from once the app is released.

By sockhopsinger on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

I think I'll wait until I read about how well it works for people on Applevis before buying. I just can't imagine what warrants such a difference in price between this app and things like Text Detective. I will freely admit that I am far from an expert on cameras and scanning engines, but if this scanning engine is so much better, how come other apps like Text Detective aren't using it? Again, I'm not knocking anyone or anything. I truly hope this app performs as advertised, and once I hear reviews from those who haven't used it yet with positive comments, I'll be right there buying it. Here's hoping.

By Justin on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

One thing I wish text detective did a lot better was read a screen shot. I use a Jawbone up band, one of those fitness bands. Anyway, the up app is not very usable. Some parts I can read on my own, but not all of it. I can use screen shots with tap tap see, but not text detective. My thought is I will probably buy this KNFB reader app and see how well it performs, and if I am not satisfied with it, then I'll delete it or just use it for letters and such. I'm just glad it is not a subscription service, paying $200 a year or whatever!

By Daredevilsprmcy on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

For some reason, I can't find the KNFB app in the app store. The shameless price doesn't surprise me at all, after all it's an app made by those whose business is to take out as much as possible from blind people. for some odd reason the cane of the KNFB magnification app is still free. Before smart phone apps, these blindness companies tried to juice us out of our money and were selling their GPS and KNFB Reader Mobile devices for thousands of dollars. Of course, when we have all switched too much cheaper alternatives, companies such as Sendero and KNFB team are thinking how to reestablish their importance and need. No, I do not consider $99 to be a fair price tag. There's plenty of similar apps in the app store which are either free or way cheaper and may do even a better job than what KNFB promises to deliver. I already got burned once after purchasing a KNFB Reader Mobile Nokia phone. One of the biggest mistakes I could ever make.

By Justin on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

KNFB reader iOS app is not available yet. From the article I read last week, it is slated for either mid or late august.

By riyu12345 (not verified) on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

There's a finger reader coming out. I'm not sure when it's out but it sounds good. it's ring that you where on your index finger and it scans words. You can't buy it yet but you can look it up on youtube and read about it. The voice at the moment is, well, horrible, but it should hopefully improve over time.

By alex wallis on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

I read about the finger reader and saw the video, its a nice idea but I can't really see it being very efficient to use at the moment, because it can only read one word at a time, and you have to follow the lines on the page to use it.
Personally I would rather have something that gives me bigger chunks of text, also I am not a fan of all this blindness specific technology or as I call it getto technology.
I prefer where possible to adapt mainstream technology I would imagine reading a document one word at a time with this ring would be very slow and time consuming.
the big reason I am not keen on blindness specific technology is because once you buy it your usually stuck with it as it can be difficult to sell on and when you do you usually make a massive loss on it.
this of course isn't an issue with the iPhone.

By riyu12345 (not verified) on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

I do see what you mean.
If it does just read one word at a time, like I said in a facebook post it would be no good what so ever.
But who knows, maybe it will improve. I mean look at apps like tap tap see, I never thought something like that would come in handy for me but it has so many times.

By Michael on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

Yes, if it works as advertise. $99 is much more obtainable, than the original $3,700 when the Nokia KNFB was released.

You may be thinking, "wow! the app is very expensive." But the thing is, you have to keep in mind that the original device was over $3000. And my just blabbing on about this because I have been hearing things about the app and things like that? No! I actually had a knfb reader system myself. If the app does all that it looks like it can do, you guys are going to be really really pleased with this app! I know I was when I had the Knfb reader system reader system myself.

By Roxann Pollard on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

I have been using the Kurzweil 1000 software for many years now, both professionally and personally. This version of the OCR software is incredible to say the least. I can hardly wait for the iOS version. My independence is worth so much more than $99.00. It's going to be tight for me right now but this investment is certainly not to disappoint, if my experience with the PC-based software is any testament.

By alex wallis on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

I think what will be really helpful with this app is the preprocessing of the image talked about in the applevis extra podcast, the fact that the app is built around the idea that people using it will be visually impaired so not the best photographers.
I think the field of view report will be particularly useful as no other apps have that, and the only app that even aattempts to guide on photo taking prismo does such a poor job when trying to use the guided mode that there is no point using it.

By AC on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

I think this is priced fairly.

By Dave R on Saturday, July 26, 2014 - 08:05

I read with interest the comments on the forthcoming KNFB Reader and admit to being bemused by many entries, the name Kurzweil deserves more respect than many contributors seem to convey.

All OCR engines are not the same, those of you who purchase the KNFB reader app for iPhone will soon realise this. I for one will gladly put my $99 down on the first day.

So say I from a very safe distance :-)

By alex wallis on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

KNFB just announced on twitter that the app has been delayed, they said they thought the app wouldn't launch for another 8 days.
I asked them how much it would be in the UK, and they suggested it would be around £58.

By Michael Hansen on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team


I looked at the Twitter timeline for KNFBReader, and I cannot find anything from them saying that the app release date is delayed. A user asked what the hold-up was with the release of the app, and the KNFBReader account replied saying that they have 8 more days before the project would be considered delayed. In other words...the project is not "delayed" unless the target release date of "late august" is missed.

By alex wallis on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

I think your right Michael, I misread what they wrote, I read it as saying we have 8 days before, meaning before launch, and then show time is officially delayed. But I think your interpretation is probably correct.

By Dave in Orlando on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

I definitely will be purchasing this app. Though $99 isn't chicken scratch, it is still a far cry from the price of most items that will make this big of difference in a person's life. I had the early KNFB reader on the N82 phone and had extremely good results and would expect the same or better from this new format. Have used prismo on my iphone and though it does work, it is far from perfect and nowhere near as good as my older KNFB on the n82. Also, prismo and the other apps currently available may be less money but it takes much more adjustment on average to get a decent scan. Many things on knfb will be done automatically which makes possible to get a good scan the first time around rather than needing the monky with it a long time. I have openbook at home and doubt anything will ever be quite as good as that, but far less money and openbook isn't portable. Nothing wrong with trying to make one of these other apps work for you, but will take lots more effort and they are designed for sighted people and helps to have sight in order to get the document lined up. knfb does a lot of this for you. If you are looking to read something on rare occasion, I still think its worth it but even more so for those who want to read their mail, an article in paper someone gives you or whatever. Ability to get this for $99 compared to over a grand for a computer type version is a no-brainer for me. the demo video seemed very good and from experience with the much older version, I am willing to bet this will be great. been a while in coming but ocr software has gotten better as well. This is a life changer, not just a fun little app. to easily have access to the printed world is a big deal. No fumbling to try to hope to get something lined up with prismo, only to hear it say something like not readable.

I'm sure that the software will be better than the past and though iphone now has a good enough camera, I think the old camera in n82 was one of the better cameras in a phone for that time. sadly, I can't really use my n82 for a phone now so its a reader and expensive mp3 player. Compared to price of original, this is nothing at $99 and pretty much guaranty it will be good. I hated price of my original one, but worked well, especially the slightly updated software version, and nothing like having it so portable. One thing for sure, lots available online but the print world is a big one and nice to be able to not miss out.

By Justin on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

I definitely agree with you on all your points. It's a long time coming, for KNFB on the iPhone, and I'll be buying it when it is made available later on. Prismo works good for what little I use it for, but this KNFB will work great for me.

They might have been able to come up with a time limited type thing where it only works for three or four days without a license, but agree with you in that there is no real reason for giving preferencial treatment on the price. Its not like you are buying a program designed for sighted people, and want to try it out first to see if it is accessible. We already know it is accessible and KNFB are going on their reputation like any other company would when coming out with a product. I think its very similar to the Tomtom GPS. Of course there are other gps systems and apps available for the iphone, but Tomtom gps is an app which is more expensive than others out there. still, it does what it does very well and easy to use. I think most anyone who owned the original would be willing to put out the $99 cause they know how well it works. Others just need to decide if they want to have print text easily available to you. $99 is a bit, but doable for most anyone and just a matter of priorities. Personally, the ability to read private mail privately is worth double the price any day to me. I'm with you man.

By Dave in Orlando on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

In reply to by sockhopsinger

I'm not sure the scanning engine is all that different from the better ones but the fact that adjustment of various settings automatically to good a good scan will be what makes it better than the other things. the fact that it centers everything as best it can to recognize the most text, and makes it easy for you to read by word, or letter etc. Of course you can get a good scan from these other apps but a lot of it depends on having just right conditions and a little bit of luck. KNFB will adjust for different type of text, type of paper etc, where these other programs designed for sighted users will assume you can see thae that the item isn't centered, or that there is no text on the page, or a reflection or whatever. most programs will just tell you that there is no text and you dont know what went wrong. this will happen a whole lot less with the new knfb I'm sure and bound to be at least as good as the earlier version from 2009-2010 that I have.

By Dave in Orlando on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

In reply to by Daredevilsprmcy

It is true that these apps are similar in that they all scan in text, but the KNFB will be doing it differently and these other programs are certainly not easier to use and doubt as good of quality of scan. Please tell me what programs I should be checking out because think I've used just about all of them, prismo being by far the best, and still a far cry from what the old knfb does and I'm sure what the newer one will do. Kind of like saying a Model T and a BMW are the same. They both can take you from place to place but one will be much more comfortable and reliable, take less time, and seems like I heard that time is money somewhere. By the time you are done readjusting the settings on prismo for the fifth or sixth time, chances are you could be done with the article you scanned in on your new knfb.

By riyu12345 (not verified) on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

I can't wait for the app to be downloadable!
I don't have much mail at the moment but just being able to scan products and have them read to me will be great. I'm guessing this app will be able to do that. Like if I took a picture of a box of cream I'm hoping it will read it out to me.
Tap tap see is great but not when it comes to reading.
I'm thinking this will help greatly with cooking and other things like that, when you need to find out what a product is, for example: Lets say you wanted to make a cake and had chilly powder and salt and they both felt similar, well you'd not want to put chilly powder in the cake would you? Well okay maybe I would just cause I'm crazy but those who don't have the crazy gene wouldn't want to.
So I'm guessing I can take a pic of a jar and the knfb reader will read the ingredients to me.
That would be awesome.

By jrjolley (not verified) on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

These are just a few thoughts but to be honest, the reader seems to have been badly marketed in many respects. You would imagine that KNFB reading technologies would want to have capitalised on the education and back to school markets and have a bit more information on the official site. There's no documentation explaining what you do, which is fine if you are used to the OCR side but no good if you want to get started. Even for the older reader, the docs are available to get people interested in what the system is about and how it works.

I realise they also said by the end of August for a release, but very little has been written since. I understand wanting to get hype for a product but many people may just lose interest and not even consider it. I'm not one of those people but I can imagine a scenario where money is tight and the expense could be a problem. I'd love to see the day 1 release sails for the app, analytics are interesting to me. Word of mouth only gets so far, there's been very little press outside of the couple of videos, one would have expected fan fair and real buzz for this app.

By alex wallis on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

I have found knfb pretty bad at replying on twitter to me, also has anyone noticed there facebook page for the ios app only has 12 likes including me lol.
In fairness to knfb I emailed jim gashall the guy featured on the applevis podcast with a few questions and he replied to me within a few hours.
I was interested in if knfb could help navigating a menu on a tv screen, and he told me that at the moment it wouldn't be able to tell you what option you are highlighting in a menu.
People might also like to know I asked on twitter if it could recognise handwritten material and was told not at the moment but they are looking into it.
Still, I believe most OCR packages aren't great when it comes to handwriting, and who knows if the writing is clear maybe reader might be able to make a bit of sense out of it.
I do agree it would be nice to know though that the app has been submitted to apple for approval, in fact if they were saying 8 days from Saturday before the launch was considered delayed I think it must have been submitted as I think it can take a few weeks for apple to approve apps, and I guess knfb don't know quite when they will get that approval, but it would be nice to have it confirmed that the app has been submitted to apple.
If I had to place money on when the app will come out assuming it will be before the end of august I would guess hopefully buy Friday at the latest? as would they release it over a weekend? if they only got approval on Friday I suppose its possible they could wait till the beginning of the next week, as when apple approves an app that doesn't mean it automatically goes live, the publisher can choose when to make it go live.

I agree with all you have said. I am amazed quite honestly about the lack of promotion. As to recognising handwriting, that is very difficult because of variability plus you are taking a picture of it also. I imagine it would be like trying to interpret hieroglyphics without any sort of code to tell you what each symbol is. Handwriting differs so much from person to person that it will be interesting times when these OCR systems do a great job at it. I'm sure efforts are being made though.

Back on topic, I think releasing the app on Friday would be a really stupid move from a marketing standpoint. Wouldn't you want to offer support for the use of the program from day 1? The KNFB folks are seriously underestimating the support calls for the app, given that many newer users will not have any clue as to how to take pictures correctly, let alone accurately.

By MarkSarch on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

In reply to by jrjolley (not verified)

To be honest
I don't think the KNFB iOS app will release to this month.
remember next month there apple keynote event.
Possible iOS8 will release second week of September, new iOS always bring new changes, settings, interface and features and bugs.
I want to understand who they are considering this and I also understand they are beta tester cause are developers but it means that the KNFB app will work perfectly in iOS8 because just apple make changes when launch the final release.
it's completely understandable that KNFB app has delay and may the app will release until next month.

If the KNFB folks do wish to delay until IOS 8 then they should offer this as a reason for the app not releasing instead of keeping people following them on twitter and hanging on. To me, this is a bate and switch tactic if it came to pass. I think they will release this month to save face if nothing else, it's not like they haven't explained that the results are better on 5S devices so the IOS 8 discussion is irrelevant. I'd actually be furious if they pulled a stunt like that.

By David Dobler on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

I still have the Knfb Reader on an old Nokia. I will purchase it just as soon as it comes out. It's great. It will get a lot of use. I don't have a problem with the price. When you think of all of the development that has gone into this application, it is well worth the money. I understand it's a high price for many of us to pay. But for me, it's worth the price, no matter how hard it is for me to pay for it, I'm excitedly waiting!

By alex wallis on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

Well, I think we might as well right a release off today. I just heard from several US people I follow on twitter its labour day weekend, so does that mean you get Monday off as well?
I suppose this means we won't actually see a release till the beginning of September at the earliest, so much for an end of August release, and I can't believe how bad KNFB are at keeping potential customers informed about what is happening. Even if the delay is down to apple it wouldn't do them any harm to post some kind of statement on there site saying we are waiting for approval from apple, nothing we can do to speed this up guys, something like that.

The lack of marketing for this program is completely stupid. I wouldn't be surprised if it were April already. I understand that issues occur but treating your customers with respect doesn't go a miss sometimes. Following them on Twitter seems pointless as they never answer questions all that much. The lack of documentation on the webpage and things is also really odd to me.

Basically, no buzz at all for such a revolutionary product. The cynical side of me might think it didn't exist at all and the app was a setup for all the lack of marketing it's had. You are right Alex, some sort of statement wouldn't have gone a miss but this is the same company that won't even consider a demo apparently for those who may want it.

By alex wallis on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

On the other hand James this blog entry has two pages of comments, plus they have posted a lot of audio and a youtube video demonstrating the app, what other marketing would you like to see from them? and I would say two pages of comments is quite a buzz lol. I do think your comment about the app not existing is ridiculous though as we have had the audio and it was announced at nfb, simple fact is it does exist but with poor communication. Yes they don't use social media well, with few answers on twitter an only 12 facebook likes lol, but I did get a prompt reply to my direct email to james gashall. also remember twitter is a very limited platform for engaging with people due to the character limits.

We have had a couple of audio demos. The site contains no documentation to view, no FAQ, no other tutorial like info, nothing. It's a single page of info. I disagree about the twitter thing as well, if you can't be bothered updating your audience, why expect them to follow you. Social media is ideal for that platform, you'd think they'd bother. Telling people about cheap iTunes gift cards is hardly marketing, we're so cheap that we have to buy discounts.

Where's the news coverage. Where are the apple insiders, the mac worlds, the other apple fan sites. It is a revolutionary iPhone app apparently that helps us be more independent, where's the hart warming interest stories. It's actually quite pathetic.

As to the couple of pages of comments, buzz from blind people is ok, but what about the mainstream. Nobody even knows it exists. It's just purely bad marketing.

By alex wallis on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

I doubt they will get many sighted people buying this app, very few blindness apps get mainstream coverage, OK yes apps like fleksy, blind square do but fleksy went mainstream and blindsquare has had a bit but not two much.
This app is pretty much intended only for the blind, yes sighted people can use it but they will probably mostly stick to cheaper apps like prismo because they don't need special features like field of view report that we do. As such I doubt we will see sites like idownload blog covering it.
Also the company is very small and I doubt doesn't have a huge marketing budget, yes I do agree with you tutorials and documentation on the site would have been a good idea buy this point though.

The educational market would have benefited from the marketing. You know, common sense with these companies goes out the wayside sometimes. I have no marketing degree or anything like that, but the fact that they've not even updated the webpage since it was created for the IOS version, the lack of hard information on the release, it really is just stupid. I know we will disagree on some of it and that's fine, i'm just getting bored really of waiting, following them only for the release. I certainly will not be following them again once the app is available. If they are this lacks now, what will they be like with the updates? It really doesn't give confidence in them as a company.

By alex wallis on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 - 08:05

well I just read the statement on the release, and I have to say I think the way knfb have handled this is utterly stupid, I mean why announce a product for end of august and then say actually we are holding off till the release of ios8? I mean OK I can understand the reasons for wanting to be compatible with ios8, but that is why you have the beta program, to ensure developers can make apps compatible, I don't see the need to hold off on the release, I feel there marketing team has done a terrible job on this, and I am quite sure they wouldn't have released a statement today if it hadn't been for tweets from myself, marko z and applevis, I do feel quite disappointed in the way knfb have handled this situation and annoyed they said end of august then went back on that.

By Dave R on Friday, September 26, 2014 - 08:05

In a previous post I said I would put my money down on the first day KNFB was released, I can't, I don't get my iPhone 6 until tomorrow. I have had rather a shock as KNFB is listed with a price tag of AU$139. The current exchange e rate is: Australian dollar is worth 90 American cents. Me thinks we Ausies are being taken to the cleaners. I don't want to see any complaints from you folk in the states. Anyway, I get my phone, I will pay up. I have pre-ordered the phone so it should come tomorrow. If it does I will be sure to post my impressions of KNFB.

By alex wallis on Friday, September 26, 2014 - 08:05

Unfortunately I guess that's how it works with exchange rates, they said it would be $99 in the US, for me in the UK I paid £69.99 and I think the app is worth it after only a few minutes of use. I have deleted all my other OCR apps in favour of this one.

Yes Alex, that's how it goes. I was pleased with the $10 difference, caused by chinese whispers, well possibly.

Like you, first impressions are very good, speed on the iPhone 6 is amazing. I tried reading the address on an envelope that came today, it didn't make sense until my sighted wife said the words that had registered were from the postage stamps. As to the address, not so good, until questioning revealed that it was hand written.

Well done KNFB