The above behavior has been present since iOS 11, and has been duplicated by several users with different configurations of iOS. It has manifested itself from text not being translated when the flash message comes up through iOS 12.1, to its current state as described.
Also happens with IRC chat (Colloquy app)
The issue is also present when using the Colloquy app in IRC chat. Notifications of new messages do not appear as with SMS text messages, but VoiceOver still reads incoming chats aloud. If this occurs while composing an outgoing chat message, the resulting chat message gets garbled. Since this issue happens without notifications, the Do Not Disturb workaround is ineffective.
I have seen this sinec ios 9.3
I think this is a natural result of how chat apps are designed, that is, for sighted people.
Incoming messages scroll the chat and the cursor jumps to the new message. this is normal visually,
but it makes braille unusable unless you can find a chatter who will answer one message at a time.
same thing with skype in ios, but even worse.
If a chat program is ever going to work well in braille the focus must be controlled totally by the braille user,
and not jerked hither and yon by the app.
there is no! workaround
turning on do not disturb may help a little in some apps, but generally not much.
All incoming messages still interfere with what one is trying to read.