Good news on a bug report

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯, 9 July, 2020

Accessibility Advocacy

Hello everybodHello everybody!

Since I’ve seen some stuff with negatives when it comes to responses on back reports, I thought I would share one that just happened to me that had a very positive outcome!

Plus, I feel like this would give as just one more reason on why we should submit these reports.

So to start with, it was the Weather Gods app. There was feedback from a tester apparently that they wanted links in severe weather alerts to be able to be clicked on. Well that feature was added in this latest beta. But it created a bug where the information for severe weather alerts is being read by voice over as text fields. and I found it yesterday when I checked on a weather alert that was issued for us.

Well I emailed Weather gods about this. And I asked if it was a bug. And sure enough, it was. well, affects was pushed out, and it now works the way that it should!
And I just let them know that things are back to working as they should be.

I basically worded my email along these lines.

I ask in the subject line is thiI ask in the subject line is this a bug

After that, I went on to explain that I loved the recent version of Weather Gods. But that I did have one question. And I explained the bug. And I asked if it was supposed to behave that way. And then I offered to send any screen recordings or screenshots if he asked me to. and of course I signed it. and told him what device inversions I was running for everything. Granted, I almost forgot to do this, but remembered just before I hit the send button. So I put it at the end of the email with the script.

I just figured I would share positive experience that can come out of reporting a bug. Since sometimes we can not have very good experiences. Or it can sometimes feel like our bug reports don’t get read or taken care of. Also, I’ve seen a few posts here that have asked for templates on how to word and email related to an accessibility related bug. And I thought that I would try and at least care of if not a template, I said at least a little bit of guidance on where to start. When it comes to writing one.

I hope that everybody is staying safe and healthy. And I hope that this little piece of good news gives at least some motivation. And for people that are unsure of how to go about writing these types of emails to developers, I hope that this gives them some sort of guidance on going about composing this type of email. s



By Pyro2790 on Friday, July 31, 2020 - 21:22

Fortunately, Weather Gods is an app with developers who are willing to make the app more accessible and usable for VoiceOver users. They have worked with members on here as well as allowed people to help beta test the app when new features are released. Unfortunately, for apps with larger development teams it is harder to get bug reports or accessibility feedback to the correct person that can implement the changes. Also in my experience I have made recommendations regarding certain apps. The accessibility feedback is taken and implemented, but removed at a later time in an app update when new features are added. It is my hope that more apps and developers will be open to making their products accessible, but I think it still boils down to a per developer or individual basis for those who are willing to work with the community and are open to inclusive design to make their apps accessible for all.

By Dawn 👩🏻‍🦯 on Friday, July 31, 2020 - 21:22

I agree with you 100%.
I’ve also seen stuff get added and then later on either broken or removed. I am looking at your Facebook!

And yes, bigger corporations and companies and such, it is hard. A good rate is a pretty good example of that. At least in my experience.

But all of that aside, I just figured it would be nice for you all to have some good news on a book report for once. And also maybe another reason or two to at the very least report these bugs.

By Holger Fiallo on Friday, July 31, 2020 - 21:22

Weather Gods developer is great on responding to bugs and suggestions. He also respond to emails ASAP. I do not know any other developer who does so and shows care for accessibility.