New Website for Audio description movies

By Blinky2012, 30 January, 2018

Accessibility Advocacy

welcome to the blind or vision impaired community
This site has been put together to help people who are blind or vision impaired quickly access a list of audio described movies within the Australian iTunes Store.
When browsing these movies I have created all the menus along the top to make it easier and to have them all in one place. I understand how frustrating it is to try and find individual movies on the Apple iTunes store.
If a movie is not listed on this site, it may not be available with AD on the Australian iTunes site, or may not have been audio described, or I may not have updated my lists yet. I update this site on a regular basis. If you find any titles that I have not uploaded yet, you’re welcome to contact Me by Email
good thing about these movies is that they are mainstream movies – they are not only for people who are blind or vision impaired, they’re available to the general public as well. This site is the only place where the movies available on iTunes are listed with the AD or CC logos. Another good thing is that these movies can be played on iOS devices, Macs, Apple TV, and Windows PCs that run iTunes



By tunmi13 on Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 21:56

I have a question regarding this website. Since it is made with wordpress, will it open fine in the app or Safari?

Yes, this website will open find in Safari.
When I Create websites for people who are blind or vision impaired or disability I always consider accessibility in mind.
This website was created on my Mac computer with Safari.
Hope this answers your questions.
