Please help me convince the developers of bacterial takeover to make it accessible.

By Joel, 3 September, 2019

Accessibility Advocacy

Bacterial takeover is an idle game in which you create bacteria to take over planets. I am fairly certain they use unity as their engine, though I haven’t verified that yet. Please send an email to [email protected] and ask them if they are willing to make the game accessible. Ask them what engine they use, if they say unity, provide the links to the accessibility plug-in and Crafting Kingdom. Why crafting kingdom? Because it is an idle game just like bacterial Takeover. It has the unity accessibility plug-in implemented very well and the developers could learn a thing or two from it.



By Kristen on Saturday, August 31, 2019 - 21:12

Just a note that if it's Unity, I know there is some hesitation with developers on being dependent on a third party plugin like the Unity Accessibility Plugin. You may show it to them, but they may be unwilling to use it because of it not being part of the Unity core.

Unity itself is working on adding accessibility into their platform right now, so hopefully they get a bit further with that so the solution can be built-in to the platform and be much more likely for a dev to feel comfortable using it.

By Ellie on Tuesday, October 1, 2019 - 21:12

I emailed the developers of this game last night and they replied to me this morning saying that they would discuss it with their team. I'll get back to you if there are any updates.