Ride Share waiver for disability

By Siobhan, 12 September, 2024

Accessibility Advocacy

Hi all. I think this is the correct spot since this deals with both Uber and Lyft. The steps are pretty much the same for each app. Go to account for Uber, or Menu, for Lyft. Click Help, then all help topics for Uber. Once there, click on resources for riders with disabilities. In there click I have a disability. Then enter initials and click submit. Lyft, menu, help, then accessibility. Note that the accessibility topic is in Uber but that's not where you can find what you need. After clicking it, then put in initials and within a week you can no longer be charged fi your ride can not find you, there's multiple entrances etc. Hope this helps.



By Teresa on Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 14:59

I've come close to missing rides because of this. It's good to know; thanks for the info.

By Brian on Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 14:59

Thanks Siobhan,

Good to see ride share services finally acknowledging those with disabilities.

now if only there was something to be done about driver's taking off when they see a passenger with a Guide Dog. . . 😐

By Igna Triay on Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 14:59

Nice. I don't have a guide dog, but on this one time, a driver saw my cane, goes, I don't speak english and and drove away. Annoying for sure, but, meh just ordered another ride. Not a good attitude to have, though.

By Siobhan on Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 14:59

Without sounding terrible, let's just say I stopped using Uber not just because prices are dumb no matter which app, but there was quite a few more with english problems, I'll say. Plus, I had a ride canceled, I was in the car, he did it. By the time my app said so, I was doing like forty down the street, not gonna jump out now. So I got to where I was going, was followed inside and demanded to be paid because it wasn't his fault. Broken English not withstanding, I felt unsafe so reported it to the other one. They basically said they can't do anything. Lucky I had a 20 on me and only reason was a friend accidentally rented a movie on my prime account. Didn't care, accidents happen, plus I thought it had been me falling asleep so was gonna take the fall. Either way, at least this helps somewhat. Oh, and Uber won't let felons drive, Lyft will. Now if you're cool and paid your debt, no big deal.

By Brian on Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 14:59

Never a dull moment with ride share. I too will not use Uber any more. Same reasons as mentioned above, too expensive, lack of good communication; or any communication.

I will on occasion use Lyft, at my own peril of course. πŸ˜…

By Siobhan on Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 14:59

Lyft lets you use either Hilton Honors, or I think it's sky miles. The only cool thing is you get a driver once in awhile who knows and is cool. i had to help my father and was running on absolutely nothing. Guy let me sleep for an extra ten minutes after I got to the hospital because he saw how bad I was. Plus, took things in for me and brought me home without charging for the other ride. There are angels but mostly devils.

By Justin Harris on Thursday, September 12, 2024 - 14:59

Good tip. Man sounds like people have had some pretty bad experiences with these. I've used them when on vacation in bigger cities, and always had pretty positive experiences, but I live in such a small town that Uber and Lift don't work. We just got doordash a few years ago, but the only thing that we have is the county wide dial a ride service called Connections, which you have to reserve at least two days in advance. Nice thing about that is you pretty much get to know a lot of the drivers. Also, they recently got in trouble because they weren't charging the right amounts, so now some are annoyed because they are paying more, but for me it actually went down, making my gym trips slightly more affordable.