RNIB video on demand petition

By mr grieves, 21 May, 2022

Accessibility Advocacy

RNIB in the uK are running a petition to try to put more regulation into video on demand services for accessibility, in particular Audio Description. I was listening to a podcast with the RNIB about it and they were also talking about screen reader support but not sure that's a focus.

It is totally crazy that some broadcasters (e.g. Sky and itv) crate audio descriptive content, but then it's not available on catch-up.

If anyone fancies signing it then here's the link: https://e-activist.com/page/102025/data/1?ea.tracking.id=web

There's a bit of blurb about it here: https://www.aop.org.uk/ot/industry/charity/2022/04/26/rnib-petition-calls-for-audio-descriptions-on-streaming-services

I'm not sure if you have to be UK resident or not, but the more signatures the better.

Sorry I know this isn't strictly speaking tvOS related, but I hope this is tenuously linked enough to not be considered too far off topic.



By Daniel Angus M… on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - 21:17

This is an important patition to sign. Even though it might be UK based, video on demand services have never had audio description. Here in Canada, I have Shaw as my satellite provider and it does not have audio description in it’s on demand service. There is plenty of audio description in live TV though, and that’s great to see.

By Bingo Little on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - 21:17

I too shall be signing this petition. if you are based in the UK, it would do no harm to write to Nadine Dorries, the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, media and Sport. Hers is the government department responsible. Copy in your local MP or write to him or her separately. another thing if you're in the UK is to get your sighted friends on board. In practice it takes a lot of signatures for these things to force themselves up the agenda. even though this petition is aimed at broadcasters rather than lawmakers it does no harm to involve the lawmakers.

By Igna Triay on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - 21:17

I just signed this.