VO Vietnamese Voices

By Thu Huong Dao, 22 December, 2014

Accessibility Advocacy

Hi all,

Do you have any information if Vietnamese voice for VoiceOver has been developed? Many thanks!



By Nicholas Shanks on Monday, August 31, 2015 - 22:03

I was not able to find a Vietnamese voice, but here are some third-party voice suppliers for Mac OS X for other languages (besides Apple's voices available via the Dictation & Speech control panel):

http://www.assistiveware.com/product/infovox-ivox (sells Acapela voices for the Mac: http://www.acapela-group.com/)

Nuance's Loquendo TTS voices used to be available to Mac software developers wanting to include TTS audio in e.g. games, but it was never made available as a consumer product AFAIK. Their demos are at http://www.nuance.co.uk/for-business/by-solution/customer-service-solutions/solutions-services/inbound-solutions/loquendo-small-business-bundle/tts-demo/

You may also like http://www.convenienceware.com/ghostreader

Lastly, the Festival Linux TTS should run on a Mac though I haven't built recent versions of it.
this may help: http://linguisticmystic.com/2011/07/15/using-festival-tts-on-os-x/