Hi, I'm a lawyer and I want to start learning to code as a new hobby. I am a mac user. Jaws. is the worst, so I'd love to never touch a PC again in my life. Are there any programing languages that are particularly good to learn as a mac user? Are there any that are off limits? Do I have any hope of being a programer someday? Do any of y'all have tech related careers?
I recommend Swift which is also Apple's programming language.
You can learn swift by searching for the Xcode app.
I am not sure wanting toā¦
I am not sure wanting to recommend swift as the first. I'd say, and I know it's weird, go either high level with python, java or the web stack, or directly with c (not c++). But the most important challenge you have to overcome is tutorial hell :) .
I'm also very interested whyā¦
I'm also very interested why you dislike jaws which I can somehow agree on as I'm an nvda user through and through. Never touching a pc again? I really want to know why. If you want don't reply here as it's off topic, not create another topic either but take one where we discuss mac positively and revive it. It's up to you of course. Nowadays it's more popular to rant the other way around...
My Views
I've been coding for 28 years, most of them sighted, but these days I do it without any sight. Also, while macOS is my main platform, both because I'm used to the Apple ecosystem as a power user and developer, and don't particularly like the bloatware, lack of attention to detail, stance on privacy, and lack of accessible firmwares on the PC world, I still do not think that macOS offers the best experience to most people, so you might want to re-evaluate and reconsider your experience with third-party screen-readers on Windows in particular.
As for programming languages, in the long run they barely matter. It's a good thing to experiment with the mainstream paradigms like imperative and declarative, which are the main categories, as well as their subcategories like procedural, object-oriented, functional, and logical, on the static, strong, weak, and dynamic typing disciplines, giving you a solid theoretical foundation. Once you feel comfortable with the previously mentioned paradigms by building things with all of them, getting familiar with mainstream programming patterns, data structures, and algorithms is also fundamental to build a solid engineering foundation. Also, and while you did not ask about this, experience with multidisciplinary applied math is somewhat important. While the average programmer gets by with lots of knowledge gaps, I can tell from personal experience that having a solid foundation matters a lot, since feeling confidence in your ability to tackle challenges makes you far less prone to burnout, and makes people feel generally safer with you around, ultimately raising your value as a human resource.
Although I said that programming languages barely matter in the long run, some languages are more pedagogical than others, and there really is no consensus on which languages should be taught first, as you can see for yourself if you compare the curricular of multiple college courses. This is because people have different needs and tastes, so there's no criteria that can be objectively applied to decide what's best for everyone. I started with C in the late 90s, and although I don't think C would be a good introductory language even for someone exactly like me, I do think that learning C should be a rite of passage for software engineering, learning a Lisp dialect should be a rite of passage for any computer scientist, and achieving fluency in both within the first 5 years of learning is a rare trait that I regard as a sign of extreme potential (I did not match this criteria myself so I'm not bragging or even making up criteria biased towards emphasizing my own experience). From a practical perspective, and contrary to earlier replies, I do think that Swift can be a decent introductory language, as it's actually designed with the progressive disclosure principle in mind, and that matters a lot when it comes to cognitive accessibility.
As for what is possible to accomplish as a blind programmer, I can tell from personal experience that there really is no limit, because as a blind jack of all trades I've have experimented with highly optimized 3D computer graphics, digital signal processing psycho acoustics, 3D rigid body physics simulations, video-games, bare metal applications, reverse-engineering, specialized neural networks for computer audio and vision, 2D graphical user interfaces, and web applications completely from scratch. The next objective in my pipeline is learning to develop digital hardware circuits that can either be deployed on FPGAs or turned into actual integrated circuits, as I have an old dream of cloning the functionality of a Sound Blaster 16 which was my first sound card back in the mid-90s. These are all highly technical fields that few people actually get into even if we only consider the universe of software developers, and most of them also require college-level math.
As for my background and occupation, I am a fully self taught developer, dropped out of high-school during my senior year at 17 after landing my first job in the industry in January 2000 in the final days of the dot-com bubble, and quit my last job in September 2011 due to the degradation of my vision, with real effect in November 2011 due to contractual obligations with my employer. In 2014 I lost all my useful vision, and only reentered the workforce in November 2024. Due to the huge gap in my resume I had to be upfront about my blindness, and as a result never heard back from any job applications even during the pandemic, when the demand for programmers peaked. I knew that, if given an opportunity, I could easily demonstrate value, and that was exactly what happened when the opportunity to work remotely for a start-up in California finally came last year.
I think that, in order to stand out in the tech field, you either need to be truly passionate or extremely disciplined, as things move very fast and the learning never stops. Fortunately knowledge grows exponentially, so the more you know the longer your learning stride becomes, giving you the ability to absorb as much knowledge in a week as a rookie would absorb in a couple of years. In my experience, beyond a certain point, people assuming that you are a genius becomes a very common occurrence, when in reality you are just applying your experience as a highly trained professional to make the right call based on patterns that you learned to recognized after years of exposure to software engineering problems.
Lastly, the job market for software engineers is in crisis right now, is shrinking rapidly with no end in sight, and is actually brutal for people trying to get their foot in the door these days. Able seniors can still find jobs, but even for them the situation is nowhere near what it was during the pandemic, so as a blind industry senior, I consider myself quite lucky to have been given the opportunity to reenter the workforce last year. Several factors contribute to the current situation, from companies reacting to a perceived shortage of developers during the pandemic by over-hiring and laying off later to optimize costs during a short period in which big tech lost some market capitalization, lots of people gaining interest in the field for the compensations alone, and finally AI, which is the big elephant in the room eating all the entry-level meals, and I don't think it will take long until state of the art large language models become a threat to me as well.
wow this is awesome.
Thanks everybody. College level math is not a problem and neither is the job market. I love my job now, and was mainly asking about my potential. If I can't be awesome at something, I don't see the point of doing it, which is why I asked about career potential.
Programming today
Programming today seems so much more complicated then when i learned it as a kid, back in the late '70s and early '80s. Everything was text-based CRT displays then. Now it's all GUI IDEs and APIs. It seems like there's so much you would need to know before you write one line of code.
But, if I were going to write code today, I'd use it as an opportunity to beef up my Braille skills, because I can't imagine how I would use a screen reader to read production code. The only coding I do these days is a little bit of HTML tweaking, and it's a real struggle, doing it by screen reader alone.
Good luck. Have fun.
Well, it's essentially theā¦
Well, it's essentially the abstraction problem and the exponential learning curve of a dude writing questionable quality code with nodejs serverside vs the understanding of the good old lamp stack? ... For the web at least.
Challenges and Commitments
One of the fundamental challenges in software development is maintaining proficiency across multiple programming languages. The technology landscape today covers many languages, each with unique syntax and applications.
During my computer science education, I had the privilege of learning from a former Department of Defense contractor who demonstrated incredible proficiency in over 30 programming languages. His ability to create identical solutions across several languages while keeping syntax accuracy was awe inspiring.
In my experience, the principle of āuse it or lose itā applies significantly to programming skills. Without consistent practice, even well-learned concepts can fade from memory. My own experiences are a perfect example of thisādespite formal education with Python, Java, Scala, C++, assembly language, HTML, SQL, PHP, and CSS, my current confidence is limited primarily to web technologies and Python.
For those pursuing programming expertise, consistent practice is essential. This is particularly important for careers in information technology, where technical interviews and assessments often rigorously evaluate coding proficiency and problem-solving skills.
Practice often and maintain your skills, otherwise it is very easy to forget what you have learned. Unless you have an eidetic memory, of course. š
Let's not overthink
If you are just looking at this as a hobby, then I wouldn't get too hung up on some of the points made above. I would ask firstly what you are wanting to get out of it?
Do you want to be able to write apps that run on your Mac or iOS? If so, then probably Swift is the way to go, and in this case with XCode on the Mac.
I've used XCode and Objective-C a number of years ago, but I had sight then, so I don't have experience with doing this blind.
Or are you wanting to write little utility scripts? Or are you wanting to just learn solid theory?
I don't think the Mac is necessarily worse than Windows for coding even if it does have issues. The intelliJ suite of apps run well and cover most bases - I use PyCharm but they have IDEs for Javasccript, Go, Rust, Java and countless others. And they work better on the Mac than on Windows. But there's always Visual Studio Code or if you are masochistic you can just use a text editor.
From my own personal point of view, I have been coding since the 80s when I had my BBC B and was writing BASIC. I later got a coding job and have been doing it ever since. I have worked with a number of languages like C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, VB.Net and nowadays Python. I never went to uni.
I was mainly self taught and writing fairly bad code. But I went through a bit of a patch of reading lots of books and then learned how to do it properly.
However, for a hobby, writing bad code may be fine depending on what you want from it.
I have never had to learn a language from scratch since going blind, and really the only language I use extensively now is Python. I find punctuation heavy languages like JavaScript and even HTML quite tricky as my brain fogs over after the fifteenth open bracket in a row. Which is a shame as code that was elegant and clean when I had sight is now a horrible mess I struggle to understand. But that's probably a lack of practice, and maybe compounded by losing my sight later in life. But I find tools like PyCharm that can at least point me at my numerous typing errors at least help a bit.
I am able to make a living from coding blind with audio only and I'm not as good as I was with sight, but I get by. I'm sure braille would help but I don't think I will ever get there.
If you are confident in using a screen reader, and can type reasonably well and enjoy using your Mac, then you should be fine.
You guys are so awesome.
I'm loving all of this.