Seeking testers for Braille Editor application

By Halim C Temirci, 6 November, 2023

App Development and Programming
Hello, I developed a Braille translation application for Turkish and English. Turkish version released on the App Store. I need feedback from users who know English Braille rules for English version. TestFlight link is here. Thank you for testing the Braille Editor.



By Justin Harris on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

Is this an app for mac or ios? Is it used to create brf or .Brl files? If so, would love to see Spanish Braille also.

By Halim C Temirci on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

This app is available on iOS and macOS but macOS app is unavailable for TestFlight. The Braille Editor supports ".txt", ".brf" and ".brl" formats but iOS app saves new files with only .txt format.
Thank you for suggestion. I plan to add newlanguages for future versions.

By Enes Deniz on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

VoiceOver now has this rotor option called "Braille table". You might also be able to find all the available Braille tables as part of the open-source screen reader NVDA, and possibly other software as well.

By TJT 2001 on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

To expand on what Enes said, why are you not using the open-source Liblouis translation engine, which supports about 150 languages?

But if for some reason you don't want to implement Liblouis, here's where you can find the rules of Unified English Braille. The Rulebook contains dozens of examples showing both correct braille and incorrect braille, though please note the amendments to the Rulebook, which are also listed below on the same webpage.

By Halim C Temirci on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

Hello, thanks for your suggestions.
We first developed the application for Turkish. Since the rules used by educational institutions for Turkish Braille do not fully match the rules applied by the Liblouis system, we created a special infrastructure to define all the rules. We want to expand this infrastructure for English as well. That's why we are considering applying UEB rules with the same method.

By Enes Deniz on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

In any case, there shouldn't be anything wrong with offering the Liblouis tables as well, which I forgot to mention earlier. Let me thank @TJT 2001 for making my suggestion more practical and sensible.

By Mara on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

afternoon- A few Questions:
*1 does your new editor translate/back translate, braille to text/text to braille?
*2 would it be possible to try the Mac app?
message me if possible.

By Halim C Temirci on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

1. The program translates text to Braille.
2. The program has a version of macOS, but it is not available for TestFlight. The translation algorithm is same and you will be able to try it for a week when the App Store version is ready.
My answer to the last comment: The app is essentially paid, but it is possible for users to try it. In addition to subscriptions, it is also possible to make one-time purchases. In addition, all in-app purchases are free when you download from TestFlight.

By Mara on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

morning- Agree re money. I found the Turkish version in the Mac app store. but was wondering if you could supply a translation of your description? this would give more details for us folks who may like to test it.

By Halim C Temirci on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

When the English version is available on the App Store, you will be able to access the English description. If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can test with it.

By Brad on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

You can't copy, translate, and then paste the app description here?

I don't see the point of this app. It translates text that you type into braille? Why would someone who's blind want that?

Also, why would I want to use your app when there is a completely free braille option on IOS already?

By kool_turk on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

It's not that hard to run the app description through a translater.

I did it with ChatGPT.

With the Braille Editor application, you can make uncontracted Braille translations in the Turkish language. The translated documents will be suitable for display on Braille screens and printing with Braille printers. Additionally, you can view visual Braille representations of your translated document on the device screen. The application is easily usable with VoiceOver, and it includes a detailed help section. Access to the Braille Editor app is provided through subscriptions. Subscriptions automatically renew unless canceled 24 hours before the renewal date.

By Halim C Temirci on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

The app allows you to adjust the page and line layout for Braille printers and Braille displays, in addition to Braille translation. Braille displays' own readers perform better than VoiceOver.
I don't want to promote the App Store version because it doesn't support English.
The TestFlight description is here:
With the Braille Editor application, you can make uncontracted Braille translation in Turkish and English languages, you can export your translated document in a format suitable for embossing printers, or you can view it directly as Braille dot on the screen.
More language and contraction support is planned. We ask you to support us with your feedback throughout the process.

Thank you for testing the Braille Editor.

By Brad on Wednesday, November 29, 2023 - 09:13

The app isn't for me so that's why I didn't do it.

I hope others get a use out of it though.

By Halim C Temirci on Friday, March 29, 2024 - 09:13

The new beta version of the app is available on TestFlight.
If you have already joined the test, you can update from the TestFlight app. If you haven't joined before, you can join here.
You do not need to provide any personal information to join the test, and all in-app purchases that appear in the app will be free of charge as long as you are using the beta version.
If you're using a Mac computer with Apple Silicon and your Mac is running macOS 13.0 or later, you can also test the iOS app on the Mac. The interface of the native macOS app is slightly different from the iOS app. If the macOS app also opens to the test, you will also be able to access it through this link.
Thank you for testing the Braille Editor app.

By Halim C Temirci on Saturday, June 29, 2024 - 09:13

The version of the Braille Editor app, which includes English Braille translation and interface support, is currently available on the App Store. App Store link is here.
Thank you for using the Braille Editor.

By Mara on Friday, November 8, 2024 - 09:13

Hello- was wondering what had hapened with this app.
is the ability to back translate, braille to text, also in the pipeline?
I think it's very cool! thanks for making it.

By Halim C Temirci on Friday, November 8, 2024 - 09:13

Hello, thank you for your interest. I'm not developing the back translation right now, but why not in the future?