anyone tried apple intelligence yet

By Cory K, 22 September, 2024

Apple Beta Releases

iOS 18.1 is in public beta. I'm just getting my hands dirty with apple intelligence. It's pretty cool, but I don't have much substance to share. Let's use this post to discuss what we know and how it works. so far, I've had varying success with email summaries and using siri to learn how to accomplish tasks with my iPhone.


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By JC on Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 02:25

Not participating in beta anymore but I herd from others it's very accessible with VoiceOver. also, call recording/transcription has been expanded to previous iphones, including the iPhone 14 pro! yay! Cannot wait to test it when it's out of beta. all call recordings along with the transcriptions goes to the notes app for later playback/viewing.

By Shawn T on Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 02:25


I can now use Siri to invite people to specific calendar appointment and and am asked whether this should apply to the entire recurring series. Although this is something Siri should have been able to do before now.

By Bhavik Vyas on Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 02:25

You need to use the rotor. Bring up the Edit menu, and scroll down to explore the Cut/Copy options. Further down, you'll find 'Writing and Proofing'. Once you select that, you'll see 'Rewrite' and other options. Hope this helps!"

By Brian on Sunday, September 22, 2024 - 02:25

Not to mention the iPhone 17 Pro. 😈

By Gokul on Sunday, September 29, 2024 - 02:25

Best EVER! intellegent IPhone :D

By Ekaj on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 02:25

I'm only able to get Apple Intelligence on my Mac at this time, and it seems pretty cool thus far. Last night and the night before, I played around a bit with the new writing tools and I have a question about them. Last night I posted an entry to my Dreamwidth journal which contains 3 popular sentences that I think some people will recognize. Please feel free to have a look if desired. I had those 3 sentences re-written using one of the Apple Intelligence features. I posted the entry, and then immediately clicked on "Edit Entry" and attempted to have the new feature do its thing. That didn't seem to work so I just had the entry re-written on the previous page, the one I was on prior to clicking "Edit Entry". This time it worked and the entry is now posted with both iterations. Here's my question though. Will these work on my previous journal entries too, or are they only for stuff which is in the process of being written? Also, there seems to be a length limit for these features to work. That said, I think this is a great start and am excited to see where it goes. Even though I'm using an iPhone 14, I'm starting to see some of these new features such as in the native mail app.

By gailisaiah on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 02:25

I asked Serie a question. He said, "Do you want to use Chat GPT"? I said yes and nothing else happened. No luck, so far with Apple Intelligence. I'll review the settings.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 02:25

Think you need to tap on more button after you wrote something. Did used gpt chat with siri to get it to write a story about Bella the cat and Tara the dog. Nice job. the word effect is cool also.

By Siobhan on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 02:25

I haven't done much with this. can someone show beginners what to do here? I have it on my Mac and phone. Phone i know, not sure about Mac, m1 chip mac book pro.

By Brad on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 02:25

I'll never use it in my life and it's just, odd. I get we're blind and for us we're not reading with our eyes but it's just lazyness to the extreme.

It'd be interesting to see a graph or something at the end of next year with data for those that use these features and those that don't.

Also, I think someone else said it here and I completely agree, siri is just to late, i'm used to asking it for basic things and I don't think that's going to change any time soon.

By Holger Fiallo on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 02:25

One day we will forget how to write because we will ask gpt or siri to write us notes, email, text, or a letter.

By Brian on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 02:25

I think we are already there.

By Lee on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 02:25

Does anyone know if Siri and Chat GPT give better or more detailed image descriptions if you have a GPT subscription? I don't and to be honest it's pretty crap. Wondered if this is because I don't have one.

By Jo Billard on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 02:25

From what little I know how to do, it looks OK. Siri and Chat GPT work very well and I've played with the writing tools a little. Email summary did help me with an email that I usually can't read because it's completely inaccessible, but I haven't had the heart to unsubscribe in case they make another change. Now I guess I'll just rely on the summary, for this newsletter only. I find that email summary can leave out important details, and I'd prefer to just read emails in their entirety anyway.

By Tyler on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 02:25

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

To access Writing Tools on macOS, select the text you want to modify, and choose an option from the "Writing Tools" submenu, accessible from both the Edit menu and context menu.

By PaulMartz on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 02:25

When iOS 18 was announced in June, Apple promised us you could ask SIRI, "when does my sister's flight get in?" and SIRI would sift through your emails and texts to find the answer. Has anyone seen this work yet?

I've got an email exchange with a friend where we established a date and time for a phone call, but I've been unable to get SIRI to check my emails and tell me when that call is supposed to occur.

If I ask "When am I supposed to call Amy?", SIRI thinks I want to call her right now.

If I ask, "Check my emails and tell me when I'm supposed to call Amy," SIRI tells me about the two emails I have from Amy, and I can have SIRI read them to me. But SIRI is not extracting any information from those emails. This is the same "check my emails" functionality that has always been available in SIRI.

If I ask, "When is my call scheduled with Amy?", SIRI tells me there is no call with Amy on my calendar. Either SIRI is broke, or I'm just not supposed to call Amy. LOL.

By Brian on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 02:25

Seriously, don't call Amy. Ever. Siri would not like that. Lol.
On a serious note, I don't think that functionality has been implemented yet, but possibly in a later revision of iOS 18?

By PaulMartz on Sunday, December 29, 2024 - 02:25

Though I distinctly remember Tim Cook saying this functionality would roll out "this fall" or "later this year." Fall is over, and there just isn't much left of this year.

By Blindxp on Sunday, December 29, 2024 - 02:25

I set up Apple Intelligence on my MacBook Air M1. First thing I did was set up GPT with Siri. I even sign into my, admittedly, three, ChatGPT account. I asked Siri a question and it says do you want ChatGPT to answer that. The first time I tried this, I was on my school’s network, and since they had already blocked ChatGPT, I knew it wasn’t gonna work. But I did it anyway and it said that there was a problem. Interestingly, I also chatted on my Home network, and still it said there was a problem. Everything was set up fine. I honestly don’t know what the hell is going on. I even tried giving it a few days but still no dice. Anyone know what the heck could be going on?. There should be no reason why this isn’t working. Everything set up fine, my network is solid, I have a ChatGPT account even if it doesn’t have a subscription, I literally asked it a simple question, my language is set to English US and so is my country and region, even though I don’t need to do it any more considering it’s available in my country now, but it’s annoying that it’s not working. That was literally the only reason I allowed macOS to take up 5 GB of my disc space, because of Apple Intelligence, and now it’s really the only feature I was interested in seeing if it would work so Siri would be less dumb., and now it’s really the only feature I was interested in seeing if it would work so Siri would be less dumb.

By Tyler on Sunday, December 29, 2024 - 02:25

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

I believe the smarter, more contextually aware Siri demonstrated at WWDC is due in the Spring of next year, possibly with the releases of iOS 18.4, iPadOS 18.4, and macOS Sequoia 15.4.

By Blindxp on Sunday, December 29, 2024 - 02:25

I asked Siri who won the 20204NRL grand final on my iPhone 11. It said okay I found this on the web for who won the NRL 2024 grand final. Didn’t even give me a real answer, even though I already knew the answer I just wanted to test how dumb it was frankly. On my MacBook Air M1, it’s the same case. When I asked it who won the 2020 4NRL grand final on my M1 MacBook Air asks if I want to use chat GPT. I’m I would say yes but from my understanding Chachi PT‘s last database update was October last year, how the hell is it supposed to know something a year later from its last database update.

Hopefully the smarter Siri comes to older iPhones. I’m perfectly fine with the phone I have at the moment, but this dumb Siri is very annoying.

By Levi Gobin on Sunday, December 29, 2024 - 02:25

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

I was watching a video. On screen was a graph. What I would’ve done before I got my iPhone 16 Pro Max if I wanted to know what the graph said was take a screenshot, and send it to be my eyes. What I did instead, was asked Siri to ask ChatGPT to describe This graph.
Siri asked if I wanted to send the screenshot to ChatGPT. I said yes, and I got a highly detailed description of the graph.
With the rumored LLM Siri set for iOS 19, it would be nice if we could do this all on device, without an Internet connection, and without the lying on somebody else’s servers.

By peter on Sunday, December 29, 2024 - 02:25

When Siri says something like "I found this on the web", that isn't very useful.

Hopefully the smarter Siri slated to come int the spring won't still be doing that.

In the meantime, however, if you do get an answer like that, you might try saying "ask Chat GPT to ..." and follow up with the question. This should result in a more satisfying response.
