has anyone found anything good or interesting? the Dev releases came out yesterday.
By Dennis Long, 18 March, 2025
Apple Beta Releases
Your Feedback is Important to Improving Accessibility on Apple platforms
Don't assume that Apple is aware of a bug or that your report won't make a difference - submitting bug reports directly to the company helps them reproduce and resolve the issue faster. Your report may provide crucial information. The more reports they receive, the higher the priority they give to fixing the bug.
If you're using a beta version, use the Feedback Assistant on your device to submit feedback and bug reports. If you're using a public release, follow the instructions on this page.
AIStudio.Google.com now works with iOS 18.4
The AIStudio feature to have Gemini describe real time video with voice interaction was working with iOS 18.3 and then seems to have been broken with iOS 18.4 betas 1-3.
Now with iOS 18.4 beta 4, this feature now seems to be working again.
Good news since this is a really nice tool for describing what your camera is seeing and having a live voice chat. Perhaps this will be integrated into the Gemini app soon. That would be nice.
FYI. The banner will no longer show up when doing back double tap. Apple remove it from setting. Is back to normal.
Did they get rid of the…
Did they get rid of the feature altogether?
Updating my watch, iphone and mac while writing on my poor windows :(
Completely nuked!
There is no mention of the back tap banner in settings. I have not tested to see if VoiceOver still says back tap, double/ triple tap detected, but I would assume not.
Also, for the longest time, in net news wire, an RSS reader, when I was in the all unread feed, I could not see when it was last updated without going back to the previous screen. In beta two and three, I finally could. Now in beta four, I can’t.
I know the app has not been updated, so I know Apple Has been doing something.
Back tap
The banner feature is history. They took it off. Is back to what it was before.
Yeah they completely removed…
Yeah they completely removed it. I've installed the betas and so far except for this change on ios I haven't noticed anything yet for mac, and watch... I run the beta but rarely actively test it.
Haptic toggle
Let us hope the back tap banner stays removed for the public release. Having said that, I would not mind a small haptic feedback for the back tap function. Something that could be a toggle, of course. 😉
Audio ducking does not work…
Audio ducking does not work when wearing airpods pro 2 and being on a call.
Mail Messages Rotor Borked
Is it just me, or have they managed to completely break the Messages rotor in iOS mail? Between this breakage and the inconsistent summarisation, following email threads is now a real chore.
Bug, some are having issues. Hope the RC fixes it or if Apple releases a beta 5 it will be done on it.