iOS 18.4, where are you?

By Levi Gobin, 20 February, 2025

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Apple Beta Releases

It’s been several weeks since the release of the last public iOS version, 18.3.1, with no iOS 18.4 betas in site, not even iOS 18.3.2.
According to Brandon Butch, a YouTuber who covers the betas and other Apple news, the beta should’ve been expected no later than February 18.
February 18 has come and gone, and still no beta. Will it ever arrive?
I’m guessing it’s not going to arrive today, and if it does, I’ll have to eat my words.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a beta release on a Friday. I’m not saying there’s never been one, but I can’t remember one, especially for the first beta of a major release.
My guess is we will either see it on Monday or Tuesday.
It’s been about 24 days Since Apple released 18.3, not 18.3.1.
Apparently from the release of iOS 13.3 to the first beta of 13.4 was 57 days.
I hope I don’t have to wait that long for the next beta, but I will if I have to.
If it doesn’t come on Monday or Tuesday next week, when will you expect the beta?


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By sockhopsinger on Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 02:20

I heard it ordering a pecan waffle, an order of hash browns scattered, covered, and chunked, and four cups of coffee. I'm sure it'll be here after it finishes dinner.

By Holger Fiallo on Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 02:20

Looks like they are having issues with siri 2.0 and AI issues. If it comes out some of the features that it was suppose to be with it, might come up in 18.5. According to 9to5 they already testing 18.5.

By danno5 on Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 02:20

The original release was meant for Tuesday, however, the OS has had some issues and bugs and was pulled back due to that

By Levi Gobin on Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 02:20

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Although it’s been said Apple is experiencing issues with their new AI enhancements, why not just release a beta without these changes in it, then add them in when they’re ready? If I had to guess, they probably don’t want to do that since everybody for the last several months has been saying that iOS 18.4 is the update with these changes in it, and we’ll see the betas soon.
Regardless, it kind of feels like Apple has forgotten about updating their software ever since 18.3.1 and there associated updates.

By Holger Fiallo on Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 02:20

It might be release with some features but the AI might be out in the next 18.5. Will see the shadow only knows.

By Brian on Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 02:20

There will be no more versions of iOS. There will be security supplemental updates, and such, but no actual version updates.
The Apple Abacus has arrived.
All hail the Abacus. All hail simplicity.

PS, 😝

Disclaimer, on a serious note, you all should consider your posts on the topic of iOS 18.4. How many of you have stated that you'd love for Apple to take their time and hold off on quick feature releases in order to shore up all the bugs that make life so difficult for a VoiceOver user?

Answer equals majority of AppleVis visitors.

Instead of banging your head on your pretty Mac keyboard while you wait for Apple to release yet another broken release of iOS, consider that maybe — just maybe — Apple has heard your concerns, and are actually holding off until they have a more stable product to share with their consumers.

Thanks for reading. 🙇

By TheBlindGuy07 on Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 02:20

I'd really end up buying an Abacus if you guys continue with this joke :) dm me with a good deal please. I am happy that for once they are delaying it internally instead of re repeating the disaster of apple intelligence with the iphone 16 series.

By Holger Fiallo on Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 02:20

Well for those who want to see more check 9to5 and others. More info. Will see what happen next week.

By danno5 on Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 02:20

18.3.1 is totally stable for me.
I'm not sure why 18.3.2 was mentioned here either, not in a bad way, but if there's nothing that needs patching or fixing, Apple won't just push 18.3.2 because people want there to be a software update.
I mean, fair play to those who like betas, until recently, I would say I did too, but I think these days, I'd rather my phone was more stable and had better battery life. 18.3.1 has really good battery life on my 16 pro max, so I'm happy as is.
Beta testers, keep us updated though!!!

By Levi Gobin on Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 02:20

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

They just released the updates today.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Friday release for beta updates in a very long time, especially a .4 release.
I’ll make a dedicated post once I have downloaded the software and found out what’s new unless somebody does it before me.

By Brian on Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 02:20

... and all is right in the world once again, now that there is a shiny new beta to download.

By Holger Fiallo on Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 02:20

iOS 18.4 beta 1 is out. Good luck if you are beta testing. I will wait for the RC.