Media volume lowering itself automatically and randomly on Apple Watch

By TheBlindGuy07, 29 November, 2024

Apple Beta Releases

Hello applevis,
So this issue was briefly mentioned by me on some threads about the new volume changes for VO users on this years' updates of the various oses.
But lately this has become very irritating. As of writing I'm on the latest beta of watch os, watchOS Version 11.2 (22S5094a). I might not have the latest exactly maybe but quite close. The bug - if it's not a feature - is pretty simple. For no apparent reasons, my media volume would randomly drop itself from 80% to 50, 30, and especially worst and most frequent, around 5% or less. This makes voiceover completely inaudible at best, and I have to ask siri each time to raise media volume again. I have noise notification on but from what I understand it's only to notify me (which it does quite well). Plus there is litterally no correlation between me being in a louder environment prior to this change which is 101% random as far as I know and extremely annoying. I don't even know how to report this to apple if it's a bug.
Any tip or help would be greatly appreciated.


Your Feedback is Important to Improving Accessibility on Apple platforms

Don't assume that Apple is aware of a bug or that your report won't make a difference - submitting bug reports directly to the company helps them reproduce and resolve the issue faster. Your report may provide crucial information. The more reports they receive, the higher the priority they give to fixing the bug.

If you're using a beta version, use the Feedback Assistant on your device to submit feedback and bug reports. If you're using a public release, follow the instructions on this page.


By Geovanni Bahena on Sunday, December 1, 2024 - 02:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Yes, this is an issue that i have been dealing with. Hope apple gets it together.

By kjw810 on Sunday, December 29, 2024 - 02:17

As of December 22, 2024, when I get a phone call, the watch's VoiceOver and the phone call volume go way down low and there is no changing it. Any help would be appreciated if there is a fix for it.

By Siobhan on Sunday, December 29, 2024 - 02:17

I thought I read on the last post about this topic that the issue has been fixed as of 11.3 Also it's not just media volume or after using sIri. It sometimes just, randomly goes down, though my watch goes down to 75% also, is this any better or worse on a newer device? I mean series eight verses ten? Hope it's fixed soon because if this is a change, no one will enjoy it much.