Photos: Absolute disaster!

By glassheart, 27 July, 2024

Apple Beta Releases

I have gotta say, since the revamping in iOS 18 of the Photos app, this is driving me absolutely crazy! I can't make any sense at all of how the app is now laid out from a Voiceover standpoint. None of my photos are seeming to be sorted anymore by date, and also, I've turned off the sharing of my family shared library, but even still, it's showing all my photos that only are in the shared album. Further, I'm noticing that any photo which I tagged, or identified pets or people in, those attributes have seemingly been completely removed. Further, I went to delete a screenshot from my phone, and instead of it deleting that, it removed a home video I had made back in the days of my 3 year old niece. Thank the Lord on high I had a backup of the video on an external hard drive, or I never would have been able to get it back.

Don't get me wrong. I love Apple, and I realize this is beta software, but come on! This is F***ing ridiculous! It's one thing to have a fewe bugs here and there; that I can appreciate and respect, but if you're gonna revamp an entire app pretty much from ground up, for the love of sex! Make it include some accessibility! I'm sorry to be so rabid blunt about this, but I have over the years just about had it up to here with Apple doing this shit! If someone understands this new Photos app, and how to make it work correctly, do let me know, as frankly, despite me being a Voiceover user now for over 13 years, and despite me also having a little bit of usable vision, I still can't figure this thing out to save my life. It's by far probably in my opinion at least one of the most sloppy advancements, if you even wanna call it that, in iOS 18. I get that's subjective, but that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.


Your Feedback is Important to Improving Accessibility on Apple platforms

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By TamagotchiTune on Monday, July 29, 2024 - 02:45

I am on your side and 100% HATE the new photos layout in IOS 18. I have been trying to figure it out for a couple weeks and cant get used to it.

By Faith2011 on Monday, July 29, 2024 - 02:45

Yesterday I copied and pasted a sentence from Google. Now the thing which I copied and pasted it stuck in VoiceOver. I have tried absolutely everything: turning the phone on and off, turning VoiceOver on and off, even getting somebody to find the clipboard which is empty, removing Google and chrome, phoning Apple in California, and I just cannot now think of anything else to do. I'm probably going to have to take my phone back to factory settings. It's an iPhone 14. The problem that I have is that it's now affecting my iPad mini and my brand-new iPad mini air. This sentence is now stuck on their voice. Has anyone else experience this? The sentence cannot be seen on screen only heard on VoiceOver and it floats about the screen. Sometimes if you put your finger at the top of the screen there it is, in the middle of the screen sometimes and there it is. Also, I've seen it at the bottom as well. It's maddening, not only that but it's affecting the other iPad I have. I am hoping, no, praying, that if I can get rid of it on my iPhone, it will also be gone from my other iPads.

By glassheart on Monday, July 29, 2024 - 02:45

what does the previous comment right before this have to do with photos? Let's please stay on topic.

By PaulMartz on Sunday, September 15, 2024 - 02:45

This is the exact thread that I was commenting upon 44 days ago, and when I clicked Submit, I discovered that the lights had gone out at AppleVis.

My iPad Pro M1 has been on the most current beta from day 1 of the cycle. From the first beta, I've been unable to navigate into my photos. Starting with the first control, I swipe right, and eventually hear Photos 8 items. Yes that's right, I don't use photos much. And the next swipe right would take me back to the beginning.

This left me essentially unable to navigate through my photos. I opened a feedback issue, but in beta after beta, the issue persisted.

I'm pleased to report that with the latest 18.1 beta, this issue is fixed, and I can now swipe through my photos. Yay!

By daybreaker on Friday, March 14, 2025 - 02:45

It looks like you have accidentally labeled an empty place. Here is how to fix it.
1: using touch explore, find a place where it reads the sentence.
2: while having the element focused in VoiceOver, double-tap with two fingers.
3: this should open up a window saying that you should label an element. For some reason clearing the field won’t work so you have to remove the sentence from the label and then insert a space bar in the text field.
Back to the topic, I don’t like the photos app either at the moment. It looks a little messy and cluttered and it is very hard to navigate. When I am trying to get to the albums my VoiceOver jumps which makes it very hard to find the albums. This is a very annoying issue and I really hope it gets fixed soon.

By Tara on Friday, March 14, 2025 - 02:45

So before iOS 18, I could go into my library, and see all my photos in descending order and work backwards to the oldest photo. But now if I go into my library, my photos are sorted in ascending order, but if I try and sort by most recent, instead of seeing every single photo, video, or screenshot, it then categorises things into groups such as screenshots, people and places, pets, recently saved, all this rubbish. So the only way I can see all my photos is to activate the 'library' option, and have everything in descending order, and find the most recent by tapping on the bottom right of the screen. That's OK for me because I only have a few photos, but it must be a nightmare for those who have hundreds of photos on their phone. There is the 'recently saved' group you can go into, but that seems to be only the last few days. I really don't like the way they've done this.