Safari STILL not responding

By Unregistered User (not verified), 13 July, 2022

Apple Beta Releases

I'm running macOS 13 public beta on an M1 Mac Mini on a fresh partition. I opened safari and went to Not 5 seconds later, "Safari is not responding".

I reported the bug. Not sure what else to do now except yell at clouds, I guess. Anybody else running the beta, please report this if you can reproduce. I'm gonna go and have a drink. Here's hoping my Logic Pro test later today is a little more successful.


Your Feedback is Important to Improving Accessibility on Apple platforms

Don't assume that Apple is aware of a bug or that your report won't make a difference - submitting bug reports directly to the company helps them reproduce and resolve the issue faster. Your report may provide crucial information. The more reports they receive, the higher the priority they give to fixing the bug.

If you're using a beta version, use the Feedback Assistant on your device to submit feedback and bug reports. If you're using a public release, follow the instructions on this page.


By Nuno on Thursday, July 28, 2022 - 17:49

VO restart helps for the bug you describe. However I have one more annoying thing with Safari, sometimes the webpage just vanishes, leaving me only with toolbar and the scrollbar. Can you repro that?

By LaBoheme on Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 17:49

we all know it was a vo problem. so now it says safari not responding, makes you think it's a safari problem in general, not a vo specific problem. maybe apple thinks that would make us feel better?
well, when it said safari is not responding, i took a picture of the screen and OCR it, the page loaded just fine. so safari was responding just fine, vo was not responding is more like it.

By Maldalain on Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 17:49

Hope this won't take ages from Apple to fix, and not to be so pessimistic here but Apple has made it clear that accessibility is not a priority at this time

By PaulMartz on Sunday, August 28, 2022 - 17:49

A little searching found this post from 2018, but as we all know, the problem became much worse with the release of Safari v15 in September 2021. The "busy busy busy" message was replaced with " is not responding" later in 2021.

I had strong hopes that Ventura would finally drive a stake through this bug's heart. Sad to hear that's not the case. Maybe in the next release.

Changing the text from "busy busy busy" to "not responding" shows that Apple is aware of the issue. It must be quite a bug to remain unresolved for four years.