Running the latest public beta of mac os ventura, beta 7, finder has a serious bug. This bug affects both sighted and voiceover users alike, per my testing.
When your on the desktop and go to downloads, or open any other tab, documents, applications, recents, etc, and when you hit command w to close said tab or tabs, if you have more than one, while your returned to the desktop as normal, finder acts as if there aren't any windows, despite the fact your on the desktop. This means that you ccant do commands. I.e, pasting something, coppying something, ejecting a drive with command e, opening something with command o... amung other actions... do not work. Instead, you'll hear the ding sound the mac makes when no action is performed, I believe its the error sound. The only, workaround; if it can even be called that, is to relaunch the finder. This works... until you close another tab and return to the desktop. I already reported this to apple, by the way, with a screen recording of said bug.
By Igna Triay, 3 October, 2022
Apple Beta Releases
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