Are there any safe ways of backing I-Pad on an external disk

By VivekP, 19 December, 2024

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Hi all,
Is there any way I can back up my I-Pad on an external drive? My I-Cloud is full and I would rather not pay extra to apple for storage if I can help it.
One way I know is to back up on mac and transfer the back up to external drive. Is there another way, though?
Any assistance in this matter will be highly appreciated.
Warmest regards,



By Bruce Harrell on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 04:47

I believe the answer is yes, you can do your backups directly to an external drive, such as an SSD (solid state drive). I suggest you search your iPad user guide for "external drive" or you can search the internet, which would probably be more productive. You could also call Apple Accessibility, but in my experience, they aren't very helpful sometimes.

Good luck!


By VivekP on Sunday, December 22, 2024 - 04:47

Hi,Tried all that No joy, though! The only option I found remotely workable is to back up my IPad on my mac and back up my mac using TimeMachine.
Thankfully I have enough storage on my mac to do this