Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

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About 4 years ago (yes), I've received an mpk mini 3 25-keys midi keyboard for christmas.
At that time I was motivated to learn DAW but had windows and reaper learning curve was too steep for me to deal with.
Now that I have a mac I thought I'll actually give it a try with GarageBand.
Ironically I ended up installing reaper with osara on my mac as well as I prefer the pixel audio selection thing, more precise than audacity/tenacity or any other audio editing software (none) that I've ever tried.

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In a few months I will be doing some international traveling. Is there an accessible MiFi router that I could use with my iPhone? That way, I could use BlindSquare and other navigation apps without being hit with a huge roming bill from my cellular provider.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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I'm sure this topic has been discussed before, so please forgive me. I'm looking for an accessible streaming device, but I'm not sure which way to go. I currently have a Roku HD, but the Roku IOS app isn't as accessible as I think it should be, so I'm looking for an alternative. I know about Apple TV's accessibility, but I just can't afford it right now, and I'm looking for something short term to use until I can. Sorry for the lengthy post, but would the Amazon TV Fire stick, or the Google Chromecast work with voiceover? Thanks!

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Hello friends,
The way my house is structed, we have an apartment above our attached garage.
One of these days, I’ll be moving up there.
This apartment is a studio apartment.
All of its systems are separate from the main house, including wi-fi.
We have a wi-fi system consisting of our main router, & a mesh system from Eero pro.
I’d like to know what main wi-fi routers you guys have, that also works well with this system & is also blind-friendly.

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Hi all:
I am writing to inquire if anyone knows of an accessible it yet affordable Bluetooth speaker. I did use the job own jam box for a while, but it is a bit expensive, and out of my price range. I have heard that the UE miniboom by Logitech is a nice speaker for its size, but that you have to have an app to run it etc.? I do not know how true this is, and and needing some suggestions/advice. I want something that's portable yet has rich sound. I don't expect expect Bose sound, but I would like something that is fairly rich and decent. Thanks in advance

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I have a bluetooth aluminum Apple keyboard. I think it's the same one you get with iMac systems, though don't quote me, as I didn't get mine with a mac; I bought it sand-alone.

Using iOS 16.2 with my iPhone 13 Pro Max, I know hitting Command+H takes you to the home screen. That said, I could have absolutely sworn that hitting Command+H twice quickly in succession was how you access the app switcher, but undoubtedly I'm wrong. All that is appearing to do is keep accessing the home button over and over.

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Is it possible to adjust the volume of the Voice prompt in the first generation aftershokz bluez? If so, how?

Best regards, Malthe.

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Hi, I'm considering getting an Apple watch. What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting an apple watch? Why would you get it or not? What would you tell someone thinking about getting it? I'm looking forward to all comments on this. Thanks.

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Hi, I'm a windows user. What are the advantage of switching to a mac? How big the learning curve? I use Jaws for windows if that matters. Is there a way to play windows games on the mac?

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Hi folks, I'm looking for a fairly decent, but not excessively expensive, set of bluetooth (and possibly AirPlay) speakers. Can anyone recommend any good ones that are easy enough to set up and use without sight? Preferably around the €100 mark, max €200. Many thanks, Dave
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Hello all:

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I thought I'd get a few more answers from the community, but perhaps I posted this topic originally in the wrong forum. So, I'm posing the question again, which case do you recommend for the iphone 12 pro max, keeping in mind, that quality of sound and clarity is at the top of my list. I'm ultimately looking for something waterproof, like the Lifeproof Fre series, but reviews online from other longtime Lifeproof users have scared me off buying such a pricy case.

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Hey everyone:

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Hi guys, thinking of purchasing my first ever airpods. However, I have absolutely no idea which are the best. Forget cost for the moment which would you say are the best overall. Seen 2nd gen pro, 3rd gen and even something max but are any of them better than others. Thanks for any info.

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Hi guys, just looking for some advice as to which printer to buy to print stuff from Mac. Had a look on Apple, all the ones that I saw were wireless and touch screen based. Looking for a simple one with a usb connection and physical buttons. Preferably below £100 and with a scanner/coppier. Any advice would be very helpful :)
Thanks very much :)
Khafsa :)

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Hi all,i want to buy a laptop next year. Can someone recommend an affordable laptop for blind person?

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Hello all:
FInally, i decided to replace my Iphone battery wtih a new one, but my question is:
should i make any extra thing after getting my phone? should i charge it in a different way for the first time? or something? need to take care for my battery more than before
thanks in advance

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hello guys, theres eny one try the new aftershokz aropex bone conduction headphone?
IM curius about sound quality

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I just purchased some aftershokz blue headphones. When I receive a call, the person on the other end cannot hear me. Can anyone help me with this?