Dealers/Suppliers of Refreshable Braille Displays in NYC?

By cw34, 25 May, 2015

Assistive Technology

Hi, All,

This is my first time posting to this forum.

Does anyone know of any dealers/suppliers of Refreshable Braille Displays in NYC? I'd like to see demos and get hands-on experiences on new products such as VarioUltra. Another alternative is a conference where multiple manufacturers showing off their products.

I've been searching on the web, and haven't found anything in or near NYC. Any help will be appreciated.





By Lielle ben simon on Sunday, May 31, 2015 - 21:34

Hello! I recommend by vario ultra. I think that have on this website review of applevis team that can help you.
I rread review aboute this braille display. I think is grate braille dislay for work with iPhone or other device.

By Scott Davert on Sunday, May 31, 2015 - 21:34

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

I think CTech services NYC, they service Long island and sell a lot of different products. I don't officially endorse any one vendor, but they are the only one I knoe of in New York that does different products by different companies.
2 N Williams Street
P.O. BOX 30
Pearl River, NY
Tel.:(845) 735-7907
Toll free: (800) 228-7798
Fax: (845) 735-0513
Contact person: Chuck Cohen

By cw34 on Sunday, May 31, 2015 - 21:34

Thank you all for your replies. I was hoping that, in a big city like NYC, there is a vendor with a showroom where we can go and see various products. I guess the market for refreshable braille displays is too specialized.

Perhaps the next best thing is to go to a show/conference for the blind.

Thank you again very much.

By cw34 on Sunday, May 31, 2015 - 21:34

Hi, Maria,

Thank you very much for the info on CCVIP at CUNY. That's very useful. I'll look into it.
