Meta Ray Ban UK user needs help please

By Maccar, 29 October, 2024

Assistive Technology

Hi, I live in the UK and I had heard from several people that the Meta Ray Bans AI feature was fully operational now and no need for a VPN
However, I bought a pair today and cannot get the look and see feature working, Meta just comes back with that he's a voice only assistant.
Has anyone else had this problem, if so, please share how you solved it.




By Icosa on Tuesday, December 10, 2024 - 21:10

It's a lot easier to justify as an explicit accessibility device and as a smaller company, Meta being a giant will have a lot of eyes on everything remotely privacy related and has more than enough money to make it a tempting target for lawyers. Even if Be My AI might technically be beholden to similar rules they're not big enough to be worth targetting and the potential bad publicity for a legal firm or government isn't worth the meager reward.

By Tara on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 - 21:10

For those who don't know, Meta recently sent a message to the double tap podcast specifying that the look and tell feature for meta AI is definitely not available in the UK, and they don't know when it will be available.

By Brian on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 - 21:10

A question. Is this an EU versus UK thing? Or does this cover the entire continent of Europe?
I ask because, this seems detrimental to both their customer base, and their bottom line. I mean let's be honest, even sighted people get these classes for the AI services.

By Tara on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 - 21:10

Hi Brian,
it's about privacy regulations across Europe and the UK. The AI is available here, the only thing that isn't available is the look and tell feature. I'm not sure which aspects of the AI are even available in the rest of Europe.

By Icosa on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 - 21:10

I can't say for certain whether certain shared regulations would make spreading between EU countries easier or harder given they all have their own legislation to deal with as well but the decision to launch or not in the UK is no different than any other primarily english speaking country, there is no relationship between the timing of release here compared to that in EU countries.

The same process will have to happen with non-EU european countries in addition to the extra localisation work. In all these cases it's no different to launching in say Japan or South Korea, it will have to be done individually and with legal advice from lawyers specialising in the country in question's own laws.

By Maccar on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 - 21:10

The key thing that was said by Meta in the response to Double Tap was that the Look and Tell feature wasn't available yet! and that they are slowly rolling it out and excited to bring these features to other Countries as soon as possible

By mr grieves on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 - 21:10

Whilst it was good that Meta at least replied, it did feel like a lot of nothing. They didn't really say any more than what has been in the release notes. They neither confirmed nor denied the UK would be getting it, nor gave any indication of when. It was about as non-commital as you can get.

There is something sadly ironic that the only celebrity voice on the glasses is someone suffering from sight loss. When she tells me that look and ask isn't available in my region, it doesn't make me feel much better.

By Maccar on Tuesday, December 24, 2024 - 21:10

Totally agree, surely this must be resolved one way or the other

By Maccar on Friday, January 24, 2025 - 21:10

Hi Kerry, hopefully you'll see this post.
just been reading back and saw the post about setting up the glasses with a new account whilst using VPN and you mentioned at the end about a message coming up stating that the glasses are already paired on another account... this happened to me and I tried it several times, but kept coming back to that message... any advice would be welcome
To the rest on this thread, I finally got to the bottom why I couldn't connect the glasses to Whatsapp, it was because I didn't have a passcode on my phone.