New IOS friendly prototype

By prototype_creation, 25 March, 2025

Assistive Technology

Hello everyone,

My team and I are currently researching the implications of diabetes neuropathy and blindness/visual impairment for the creation of our prototype. For our final project, we have decided to create a shoe with different features aimed at helping with mobility, pressure, and swelling for people with diabetes neuropathy, as well as sensors and obstacle detection for blind/visually impaired individuals.

Please find the link to the survey here:

We want feedback from Canadians as this is our target market for the moment. Thank you in advance for your help! This project could not be done without asking our main target segment.

Please feel free to write any additional feedback/concern not mentioned in the form here by replying. Thank you again!



By Brad on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 03:19

The pressure might be a good idea, I'm not sure, but putting hapticks in shoes or some kind of map just didn't work out before.

There was a company from india, I forget their name now but they did a similar thing for the blind and from what I understand hardly anyone brought their product.

I'm glad you're asking blind people what they think because so many researchers don't and that's when their products fail and they waist a lot of their own time.

By Magic Retina on Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 18:19

These guys have been spamming everywhere with this same bad idea request. On Reddit they tried to dubmit it to r/blind and got it through on r/disability_surveys. Nobody wants this!