poor signal when using Aira with meta glasses

By Alicia Krage, 22 March, 2025

Assistive Technology

Hi everyone,

Another tech question for you all.

Does anyone have any solutions to poor signal when using Aira with the meta glasses? I turned off WiFi during the call but that didn't help much. Maybe I should turn it off beforehand?

Any tips from past experience would be nice.



By Ash Rein on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 11:57

It depends on your phones signal, its age, the cellular network you’re using, the signal strength based on location and environment.

If you’re using an older phone to connect to the service, that essentially could be the issue because it’s probably not 5g and you’re hitting an upload bottleneck. The time of the day could be a factor as more people use their phones more at certain times.

The type of Bluetooth your phone is using is probably a factor as a lower level Bluetooth connection could be causing throughput bottlenecks.

No matter what it is at this point, the likelihood that you’re going to resolve this issue through changing settings it’s very slim. If anything, you’re better off contacting your cellular network and talk to them about the connection issues. Sometimes they can do resets to essentially improve your overall cellular connection. However, that’s very unlikely. It really might come down to buying a newer phone that can utilize newer cellular technologies.

By Icosa on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 11:57

Before taking this step I'd strongly recommend researching whether you can even get a 5G signal in your area. Upgrading your phone when you're not in a 5G area is just a waste of money, here in the UK for example 5G signals can be patchy just 5 or 6 miles away from a city which is supposedly 5G enabled.

By MarkSarch on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 12:57

it depends if you are having issues only with video calls with Aira.
I suggest turn off wifi before star the Aira call.
Also if your cellular signal is not to strong even 5G shows at the status bar I highly recommend disable 5G under settings and only use 4G LTE which is more stable and reliable in some areas.
And finally if you do not have any problem with call a volunteer using Be my Eyes or share your view definitely its Aira problem.

By Ash Rein on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 13:57

I need to stress that Bluetooth is a factor. The Meta glasses are connecting to the phone using Bluetooth. The amount of video throughput is going to be limited by the Bluetooth connection as well. It’s not just the Internet. The meta glasses use Bluetooth 5.3. What version of Bluetooth is your phone using? If it’s an older phone, it might not even be on Bluetooth 5.0. And that is gonna cause a lot of slow down.

By Alicia Krage on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 13:57

I'm not honestly sure what bluetooth version my phone uses. Thanks for the tips, though.

By Alicia Krage on Sunday, March 23, 2025 - 13:57

Also, I'm using an iPhone 15 it's a little over a year old. I've only had this happen in certain places, this was outside my apartment complex so maybe turning off WiFi before the call will help.