is there a way to fix these issues?
• When I have the braillesense paied to the iphone, (but not connected), it will cause my phone to restart itself over and over until i forget the device in the bluetooth menu.
• when the braille sense is connected, it will make "Ethernet" come up, and often force my phone off the wi-fi onto mobile data, which is undesirable.
I have tried connecting through the braille menu in voiceover rather than the bluetooth menu, but the braille sense does not always show up, and I am not entirely sure if this fixes the issue.
I have also tried connecting through USB instead, but I just get a "This accessory uses too much power and cannot be used" error message.
Can anyone help?
Having same issue
I am having this issue too. I went as far as to go to Apple and replace my phone, only to have the issue again. I am going to try with another display and see what happens.
i had the same issue with the demo display i tried
so i don't think another display will make any difference unfortunately