Default Braille Table For UK Users and other small questions

By Kerry Fielding, 27 June, 2021

Braille on Apple Products

Hi Folks. I’ve recently taken delivery of a Brailliant bix 20 and I love it but a few issues are cropping up and I’m not sure if it's user error or a bug so please bear with me.

Firstly, I am in the UK and have found the UK braille table Liblouis to be pretty awful when inputting in Braille so have added unified English to my list. However, I don’t seem to be able to change my default table to this and it keeps switching back to UK. Is there anything I can do about this or is it because my language and region are Uk? It's driving me nuts.

Secondly, I can't seem to figure out how to type the at symbol when using unified Braille either. Thirdly, how do I use picker boxes with a Braille display and finally, how do i navigate by element? I can change to the element I want but once hear, none Of the usual navigation methods seem to work. while I am a seasoned user of IOS products, I’m a real novice when using them with Braille and would definitely like to be better/more efficient



By Lielle ben simon on Thursday, July 8, 2021 - 05:54

Hi, regarding the Libluies tables, there isn't anything to do with this. The Braille table need to fixed, Apple need to diside to take the new version of Braille table liblouies and it's could be take times. From my expierence it will be take manny times untill that Apple diside to do something. It's happends in Hebrew. The hebrew Braille table is worse, I hope that apple entering the new Liblouies tables to iOS 15.

By Jo Billard on Thursday, July 8, 2021 - 05:54

I had this problem last year and I was able to get rid of the LibLouis, but I rdon't remember how. Hopefully someone will be able to chime in here, because unlike the last person said, yes, there is something you can do about it. As for the at symbol, it's dots 4 followed by dot 1.

By Shersey on Thursday, July 8, 2021 - 05:54

Hi, there.

I'm not sure if your Braille display provides another way of doing these things, but by default, you can do what you want using only the standard Perkins Braille keyboard.

To turn the rotor right, press space with dots 5-6.
To turn the rotor left, press space with dots 2-3.
To move forward by the chosen element, press space with dot 6.
To move backward by the chosen element, press space with dot 3.
This will also work for adjusting picker items.
To one-finger flick right, press space with dot 4
To one-finger flick left, press space with dot 1.
Note that you can, in almost all places except the Mail app, adjust the rotor to something like headings, and use your display to jump heading by heading, but also flick right and left through paragraphs without having to change your rotor setting. I love the rotor! This won't work in the Mail app, though, since for some weird reason, once you stop using the rotor to move by heading or link or whatever and flick right to read the text around that heading, the rotor switches back to the actions setting. I'm not sure why Apple felt this was a good idea, but I wish this behavior could be toggled or something; I'm sure some people probably love this behavior, but it drives me crazy, so a choice about whether to use this behavior or to have the rotor stay put on whatever setting you put it on would be great.
