Hi all,
This is attempt #2 at posting something on here. So I have a Brailliant Bi 20X and I really like it for the most part. I'm having this annoying issue where when I go to send a message in the Messages app and I press dot 8 to send the message, it doesn't send it. Instead a context menu comes up with 2 options. The options are paste and scan text. What is going on here? The strange thing is that the command works perfectly fine on my Focus 40. Is there any way to fix this annoying issue?
Thank you all in advance!
By Emily, 28 August, 2023
Braille on Apple Products
Turn off on screen keyboard.
I believe this is a known issue that HUMANWARE is working on. The workaround is to turn off the on screen keyboard with space 1, 4, 6. You can do that every time before you try to send with the 8 key or you can go to Braille settings within the VoiceOver menu and select the setting to turn off the on screen keyboard when your display is connected. The 8 key for enter works as expected most of the time if the on screen keyboard is off.
Thank you for your quick response Audrey. Even with the on-screen keyboard setting turned off within the Vu:ceOver braille settings turned off, the dot 8 command doesn't work. So I found that making the on-screen keyboard show with dots 1 4 6 and the space bar makes the dot 8 enter command work. Still annoying to have to do that every time but at least I have a workaround for the issue.
Thank you again for your help!
The solution is in a bug report
Thanks to the wonderful posts of Scott Davert, his last bug report mentions this problem, which I've also experienced.
Whenever you wish to press ENTER on a humanware device connected to your iDevice, you'll see this bug. Dot 8, which produces a carriage return on the built-in applications on the NLS eReader, the Chameleon and the BrailleNote BI displays calls up the context menu when it's connected to iDevices.
To work around this problem, press Dots 2 and 7 with your spacebar to invoke the Options key. Release them, then press dot 8.
I tested with both my BrailleNote BI 40X and my NLS eReader with a variety of applications. Big thank you to Scott for figuring this out!
Thank you Scott for figuring this out! It's still annoying to have to do that every time, but at least I can work around the problem. Thank you all again for your responses!
Dot 8 weirdness.
I tried Dots 2 and 7 with space bar. It does allow me to hit dot 8, but instead of sending the message like it used to, it makes a new line. I think in all my trial and error doing things to work around this bug, I've messed up something. How can I get it back so that dot 8 sends a message?
Re: dot 8 weirdness.
I'm also experiencing the same thing. What I found works for me is bringing up the on-screen keyboard when you're ready to send a message by pressing dots 1, 4, 6 and the space bar. Then the dot 8 command should work as expected.
Another possible workaround
Thank you Deborah for giving me credit for that. Smiles. If you want to insert a new line into a text without sending,you can also try to use space with 3-7 followed by J. This is some kind of line feed command apparently. Not that one is better than the other exactly, but it's another thing to try to see if you prefer it for some reason. Good luck! Oh, and I'm right there with you, emily! The worst part is that there is no turning back at this point. iOS 15 resides on my iPod, which is the only thing not on 16. It works as it should on that version of iOS. What is sad about this and the other bugs with the Camelion/Braillliant/NLS E-Reader is that these bugs have been being reported for over a year now. Apple blames Humanware, which unsurprisingly, Humanware blames Apple in return. However, if all you have paired (none of these devices in your list of braille displays), it works fine. The Orbit, Focus and even the Active Braille 2021. The Active Braille is also apparently running the same HID standard as the Humanware devices.
Control-J is line-feed
In ASCII, the control-J key produces a line feed and control-M produces a carriage return. Operating systems vary in whether a line ending is a carriage return, a line feed or both.
Windows requires both. Apple traditionally I believe uses a carriage return only, though I think most apps can use a line feed as a substitute. And Linux requires a line feed to end a line.
In my previous post -- I must have been sleepy -- I called the Brailliant BI a BrailleNote. It's a Brailliant and I just didn't pay attention.