Question about the onscreen keyboard when using a braille display

By Owais Patel, 1 July, 2017

Braille on Apple Products

Hi there. I was just using my iPhone 6's with a Braille Display. Since I was using a Braille Display and didn't need the on-screen Keyboard how can I bring it back? Particularly how can I bring it back without using the Braille Display in a Text Field?



By Minionslayer on Thursday, July 6, 2017 - 17:44

The On-screen Keyboard Should Have Popped back When You weren’t using The Braille Display.

By Lielle ben simon on Thursday, July 6, 2017 - 17:44

It does found VoiceOver settings. Go to "settings", "general", "accessibility", "VoiceOver", "braille". There turn on the setting "show keybord on the screen". By default it's disable.

By Brian Tew on Thursday, July 6, 2017 - 17:44

Yes the v o setting should be turned on.
Get into a text field and double tap to make it pop up.
But it still does not always work.