hey all,
I'm having a bit of a moan so please feel free to pass this topic.
I'm going to upgrade to the new silicon mac hopefully soon and I thought it would be an idea to see how much my 2018 MacBook Pro 15 inch with core i9 processor would be worth with a trade in.
I was quite shocked to discover that the most they would give me is $721.
Now I know that sounds like a lot and on the surface seems quite generous but when considering the fact that if you want to get the new 13 inch MacBook silicon with at least moderate storage you'll be paying upwards of 2500, it's a bit ridiculous to me.
It's just my personal opinion but I think they could at least offer you 1000 for the top-of-the-line MacBook Pro from 2018 in terms of the processor.
as it is, I've put my MacBook pro on eBay and I'm hoping it will sell there, I'm quite confident but still.
Again this is just my opinion.
By harry6116, 7 December, 2020
Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories