I love the iPhone 7.

By Emily Hope, 7 January, 2017

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

The iPhone Seven is amazing. It is so much faster and has so much better battery life. There is a few inconveniences such as not being able to plug in your charger while using wired headphones and always having to remember that adapter. Still I would recommend it and who is in the market for a new iPhone, because it is so fast and has so good battery life. I hope this answers some questions for some people who are looking for new iPhones I recently upgraded from the iPhone six, Which I thought was a pretty good phone. Until, I upgraded to the iPhone seven.



By DPinWI on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

Because I have long been a blue tooth user, the headphone jack thing wasn't an issue. i also upgraded from an iPhone 6 to the 7, and while I liked the 6, the 7 is, as you said, significantly faster, and has better battery life. I'm still finding uses for 3d touch, when i remember to try it.

The home button is great. When I use my iPod 6, the moving home key feels like a toy compared to gthe feel of the iPhone 7.

I'm really happy with the upgrade, and I don't expect to desire to upgrade for quite a while, even if the 10th anniversary phone is awesome.

By Emily Hope on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

In reply to by DPinWI

Even though I'm not a Bluetooth user I don't really find it that much of an issue to keep up with the adapter. And the home button is awesome I haven't really played with a normal movie home button since upgrading but I feel like it would be weird. And I also feel the same way about upgrading.

By Holger Fiallo on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

My iPhone 7 is very cool and fast and easy to use. I purchase a smart battery case that last longer than the one made by apple and is more cool. To see them go to power plus cases and seewhat they have. They have one that last more than the one I have and you could also recharge an addicional phones.

By Emily Hope on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

In reply to by Holger Fiallo

That's awesome I really don't like using battery cases that much but that's a good tip thanks.

By UndergroundRiver on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

Love my iPhone 7 Plus, not the case I got though. I purchased the leather one from Apple. Don't. It's hard to pick up the phone, s slippery.
I want a rubber one in a lurid colour to shock random people!

By taichong on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

In reply to by Holger Fiallo

i have my iPhone 7 also and it's rock a lot, it seems i have a computer on my pocket, i love the fact that it is so fast and it's dual band that gives lot of 4g signal.
but my concern is while I'm using a lot of 4g signal it takes a lot of battery power on my iPhone so that i need a support of battery cases that you mention, can i ask is that the apple smart battery case that apple made? or another one, if so, where do you get that, what is the battery capacity of that case, can be use the lightning USB on that? easily to remove and put the phone there? how much?
sorry for long post and asking, thanks

If I was you I would get an OtterBox defender. It is kind of bulky but is super protective and you can get him in almost any color you could think of. They are about $45 but so worth it because they have a screen protector in everything. Do your best selection of colors would be on OtterBox.com. They have almost every color imaginable so you can shock lots of people.

By Emily Hope on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

In reply to by taichong

I'm not exactly sure for I'm not a fan of battery cases. I have heard that the Apple smart battery case is pretty good I'm not exactly sure though. You can download the Apple Store app and look for the battery smart case to see if you can afford it in its features and all of that if you need to I can give you a link to the Apple Store app just let me know. Hope this helps you a little bit.

By David Standen on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

i picked up my iPhone 7 this morning but I already love it. I also upgraded from a 6. I personally do not like 3d touch and turned this off as it was causing me issues during the setup process. Obviously I had never had to deal with this before as 3d touch isn't supported on the 6. Once I worked out how to turn this off I was able to proceed as per usual and all is fine now. The battery life is amazing. I had used my phone to send 3 or 4 Rogers and the battery was still at 100%. I'm personally not going to worry about the ear pods as the earphones which came with my 7 just plug into the lightning port anyway. I will not be upgrading for a long, long time.

By Holger Fiallo on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

In reply to by taichong

Go to powerpluscases.com and you will see several. I have the 5200 The 5800 not only recharge the phone but also can recharge another. They are made for the iPhone 7. I think they are better than the apple. Last longer.

By Monica Rose on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

I have the 6S+. I thought I would like the big phone because I have more room to spread out. This is great but the phone is cumbersome. When it's time to upgrade, I'd like to go back to a smaller phone. Is the 7 smaller?

By Rocker on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

Indeed madam! The iPhone 7 and for that matter, the iPhone 6 is definitely smaller than the iPhone 6 Plus! You can even go smaller with the iPhone SE, But it Does not have 3D Touch! However, since you are coming from a 6+ that might not be a big deal for you! For my usage the seven which again is the same size as the six is the sweet spot for the iPhone sizing chart! I have the jet black iPhone 7 which offers great tactile control and there ain't no way I'm gonna rock this beauty with some case I mean, I get all day battery life anyhow! When I had the 6S, I bought the Apple battery case and found that I never used it! Now I am stuck with a battery case that only works on the 6S Basically it's just sitting there doing nothing! It won't fit the seven because the camera is different on that phone I hope this helps cheers… Rocker!

By Holger Fiallo on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

In reply to by Rocker

Love my iPhone 7 but because I use it a lot the battery does goes down. The case I suggested is setup for iPhone 7 and does not affect the camera.

By TamagotchiTune on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 22:09

I love my iPhone 7. It is faster and the battery does last longer. Only thing I don't like is that I can't charge my phone and listen to music. I upgraded from a iPhone 5S. I would still like a nice battery case though. But I'm very happy with my iPhone 7.