iPhone USB flash drive's

By LifepodDebbie, 1 December, 2016

Apple Hardware and Compatible Accessories

Can anyone recommend a good USB to iPhone flash drive? Sometime ago, I remember reading an article about a particular drive but I can't remember the brand name. I am particularly interested in those that come with accessible apps that I might have to use with this accessory. .



By JeffB on Thursday, December 1, 2016 - 21:59

The IXpand flash drive is alright however it lacks the 1 feature I really wanted. The ability to shuffle audio files. For whatever reason you can play, repeat and go to the next and previous audio files but you can't shuffle them. The drive seems to be more geared towards photos and videos with its camera roll backup option. The app is accessible to use it's not the best app as it lacks audio playback features. The drive can be secured with a password. I have not tried this and I don't know if that's for both devices or 1 or the other. I think that you can save documents and notes to it but I can't say for sure as I have not used it for that purpice. The flash Drive itself is a bit fatter than usual and it will prevent you from plugging in another flash drive if there is a USB port next to it. The Lightning adapter is on the back of the drive attached by a thick like rubber strip. It does take some maneuvering to plug it into a lightning port, and it sits at a diagonal angle once plugged in resting on your case over the home button. I'm sure there are other such flash drives out there if you want to look around. This one isn't horrible it will get the job done but the app itself could be better, and the structure of the flash drive could be a lot nicer.

By Shersey on Saturday, December 31, 2016 - 21:59

Scott Davert did a podcast a while back on an SAID card reader that you could plug in to your iPhone. youYou can find the podcast at the link below.A Review of the YiKaiEn iReader SDHC SDXC Micro SD Card Reader (Status: , audio, downloaded, partially played), Duration: 22:46, Time left: 59s Left, Published: 9/3/16, In this podcast, Scott Davert reviews the YiKaiEn iReader SDHC SDXC Micro SD OTG Card Reader which permits you to access SD cards on your iOS device. This accessory is available through Amazon for $20 at the link provided above. A partial walk-through of the iDiskk Pro app, the free companion app needed for this accessory, is also provided.
Listening to AppleVis Podcast (A Review of the YiKaiEn iReader SDHC SDXC Micro SD Card Reader)

<p>In this podcast, Scott Davert reviews the <a href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01ERHAEFC/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B01ERHAEFC&linkCode=as2&tag=thevipconsume-20&linkId=b9016d3f48af67f8dc587fa46eaa79b1">YiKaiEn iReader SDHC SDXC Micro SD OTG Card Reader</a> which permits you to access SD cards on your iOS device. This accessory is available through Amazon for $20 at the link provided above. A partial walk-through of the iDiskk Pro app, the free companion app needed for this accessory, is also provided.</p>


Sorry about the extraneous text. I'm being hit with that bug that doesn't let me hear the text you're moving by when moving the cursor in a text field.


By cool cat on Sunday, December 31, 2017 - 21:59

Thanks for the info jeffb. I have been thinking about getting one of these things. Being able to shuffle is key to me aswell. I wonder if the Istick flashdrive has the shuffle option?

By JeffB on Sunday, December 31, 2017 - 21:59

That's a good question. If you find out it does I'd like to know! I hope you can find a good 1.