I have a good friend who is blind and has a prosthetic leg. He is currently using an iPhone 5s but they keep breaking down because he is using the accessibility features and the processor can not handle it. He tried my 6 plus and it was like night and day. He is on a limited income and insists on buying it himself so I want to help him find the best deal out there. This would include discounts, rebates, and any government disability help.
This would really increase his quality of life and the ability to communicate with family, friends, and the world.
Thank you,
Looking for this myself.
Hi, I'm looking for something like this for myself as well.
If I find anything....
If I find anything I will be sure and post.
Thanks a lot. My iPhone 5 is
Thanks a lot. My iPhone 5 is getting to be issuy and out of date. I'd love to use the Alex voice as well!