Hi, I am the developer of the Adventure To Fate series. I appreciate all the support I get on this site and its forums.
Note: I made a similar post to this last year for the last game I released so it may sound similar.
The game has been in development for about 9 months now (using the game engine I built over the last 10 years) and is approaching release on February 27th. I have worked with a group of about 15-20 VoiceOver testers to make this game as accessible as possible. Once again the game should have large improvements over the previous ones (New soundtrack. more sfx. more written descriptions for monsters, items, and spells!
The game is not just accessible but built and functioning with accessibility as the main focus. It still isn't perfect but should always be getting better!
Anyways the game is now open for pre-orders on the App Store here.
I will try to post a little preview of the game content and story every few days as well as a little behind what is new to this game compared to the previous game Lost Island. If you have any questions feel free to ask here or join the discord here for more direct access: https://discord.com/invite/tksWbSnThu
Note this is a premium paid game with no ads or IAP or anything like that. Everything is fully unlocked from the start. I understand not everyone has money to spend on ios games so if you need some assistance getting the game let me know after release and I will work with anyone from this forum to get them a copy.
Thanks for your time and support!
I would say the game runs about 3-5 hours for 1 play through but there are 12 class and 20 race combos. I am not sure anyone could finish the game with them all.
Anyways yes there is a ton of content.
The voiceover/accessibility is the best in this game since it is the newest. This is a recreation of the first game so you actually should be fine story wise. There are a few hints / tips of the cap to previous games but nothing huge.
I am not aware if that's how it works but if it is let me know and I will give you a code for your phone so you don't have to double-buy.
Tldr: best game of the year…
Tldr: best game of the year. Thanks! Will come with longer feedback later.
It's Fixed
Yay! It apparently was indeed a bug, related to larger screen devices, like the Pro Max series of phones. I grabbed the update, and it works beautifully now. I thought I was going crazy there for a bit.
I now own the game.
Looks cool! So far me and the spirit guard killed a young rat. I'm assuming it was still saying $4.99 because Apple hadn't actually charged me. I haven't gotten it on the phone yet but I assume that will work just fine. Seems to run perfectly well on my M2 Mini. Thanks for a cool game!
So much fun.
I've been having so much fun with this game. Thank you for creating such an amazing adventure. I also think that this could very well be the best game of the year.
Drummer thanks!
Thanks so much for the kind words it means a lot! Getting this game to this point was a grind and a half so it feels great hearing it was all worth it!
Oo, I have an idea for mac or keyboard players.
It's a very niche market I get that but what if you had the arrows work like, well, arrows, up is north, left is west, right is east and down is south?
is there a way to do that through voiceover on the phone? have an up flick for north, left for west,, right for east, down for south? if there is, I might actually play the game again as I'd find that easier to work with than the way the arrow system works at the moment.
Keep in mind, as i'm one of the people who isn't playing the game at the moment, i'd ask those who are if they'd like this mode, if it's possible then i might check it out from there.
I hope what i'm saying makes sense, it's a bit late here and I'm tired.
I will be
I will be doing a live stream of this game on jacket FM once I get a fuel for it. It sounds very interesting.
OK, I’m stuck
OK, I’m stuck. I can make it to floor two but it’s only letting me go to square four.
Re: keyboard.
On Mac, I'm just doing VO-end and then going back to get to the directional pad. If you VO arrow on and off directions, it tells you what's there, e.g. if I went north, so I'm still on the north button, if I VO arrow right and then left quickly, it will tell me what's north. It also tells you if you wait a second or two I think. I assume it would work the same on the phone, I should try it.
I realize this isn't quite as fast as using the arrows. But it does have the advantage of looking ahead, e.g. it tells you if the next room in whatever direction has an NPC, which often means a battle, also whether it's been explored or not. If you were just moving with the arrows, I don't think you'd get that, unless you added another set of keystrokes, e.g. ctrl-arrow to tell you whether or not you can move in that direction.
I assume the phone has the directional pad on an area of the screen, I'd assume the top or bottom. So tapping once with four fingers should put you there, or pretty close, no? I guess I should really try this thing on the phone at some point! Anyway I think my overall point is that gameplay is already pretty straightforward with the keyboard already. You can also use quick nav, I don't usually because I don't know if you can do VO-end without using the VO key in quick nav, so I just don't worry about it. But anyway if you can, that would mostly get you the arrows anyway, you'd just have to hit up and down to pick a direction on the pad..
How are you getting it to play on Mac? Every time I try launching it I get an errror about instruction something or other.
We can play this on mac?…
We can play this on mac? Cool! Is the progression somehow synced with both phone and mac?
@brad there is no swipe on ios devices because its used to move between headers or whatever action you have set. However by taping the direction pad once it does preview the rooms around you then double tap actually moves you. 

(make sure you have voiceover hints on)
@firefly very cool please loop me in to when you are doing the stream! Also on floor 2 you will need to double tap the room or the directional pad middle to search the room. There is an object in your way that needs searched and moved.

@khomus I am not sure I am understanding for Mac but for phone (if you have VoiceOver hints on) by taping the direction pad once it does preview the rooms around you then double tap actually moves you. 

@tayo yea it had worked on my Mac air too but its been a while since I tested it on there I will check again tho. 

@theblindguy Yes it should work on Mac but as Tayo said for some devices or maybe its profiles there can be an error. There however is no syncing (everything is stored on device). 

Thanks as always for the support guys! Keep the questions coming. I try to check this on and off throughout the day. If you need immediate help please join the discord.

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tksWbSnThu
Live stream
I was planning to do a live stream of this game tomorrow at 7 PM US Eastern standard time. There’s also a way for me to invite others to the live stream I think as cohosts or guests, once I figure out how to do that in the future would you be interested in Maybe doing an interview with me on jacket FM? It wouldn’t really be anything formal. I would just be asking you general questions about the game maybe how it came to be etc..
Re: direction pad on Mac.
OK, let me try to explain it a bit better. If you hit VO-end, you end up in the text of the action log. Hit VO left a time or two and you get to the direction pad, which reads as buttons for the direction, with search this room in the middle. So let's say I do VO space on east, and it moves to a new room. If I don't feel like waiting, I can do VO left, which puts me on south I think, then VO right really quick, which gets me back to east. At that point, it will say "hallway is to the east, and is unexplored".
If a quick demo would help I can probably put some audio up somewhere, if I can figure out how to record audio on the Mac, I haven't done it outside of music yet. So I don't know how to get it to record the output of the game and Voiceover.
Yeah, I thought that would be the case.
It's a shame but I expected it.
I'm glad I supported your work though.
Firefly Stream
Very cool and could you tell us again where this live stream will be so we can check it out. Will it be on youtube after?
Also yes I would be glad to do an interview/chat just let me know when!
Ok I think I understand what you are saying I need to play around with the mac side of things a little more to find. There is some tricky timing that goes on with when and how voiceover speaks to make sure its not talking over other things. I may need to adjust the timing there.
Yes thanks for supporting me and sorry about that. Voiceover dedicates swipes to changing whatever the twist toggle action is so I cannot use that unless I find some way around it. Do you know of other ios games that can or do use swipe for movement? Maybe I can figure it out.
Update preview
Hey folks just wanted to share that I am working on the next update.
This update will include the option to play the endless arena from the start of the game. This means if you don’t want to play the story mode because navigation is difficult or you just want to get right down to battling now you can.
In the endless arena you can simply summon whatever npcs you want and level up that way. You’ll still get your drops. Have a shop to use and be able to forge your custom made items.
The update is currently in testing but I am hoping to launch it next week.
If you have any questions just let me know.
Thanks for the new game play. I surprised myself by quickly understanding the map layout and movement thanks to all your work with Voice Over right throughout the game. So I'll be sticking to the story, trying to fight my wizard to the Core. Love this game.
Filtering enemies by level
If you’re to do this update with leveling included, I think that you should have an option for the player to filter enemies by current level. I think if you keep the usual list of previous games, it will be difficult for the player to find the right enemy in order to progress.
How does the portal work? I can't figure that part out and every time I've died I've had to go all the way back through the dungeon to where I was. It's the only frustrating part about this game for me.
Hi, I had the same thing and I think it was my fault for not turning on Voice Over hints. If you flick through the first map you will hear portol room 22. Go there and search to bring up the option to go back to the floor you left.
@mark glad you are enjoying the game!
@panais yes the new system sorts by level kills and name. It shows npc stats and info as well.
@zoe yes think of using the portal as setting a checkpoint. Use the portal from your skill book to go back to camp/town. Then you have set a checkpoint.
You can use the portal on the map on (floor 1 room 22 for the first zone or floor 9 room 20). To go back to that checkpoint. Even if you use the portal or die it stays there until you set another check point.
Glad everyone is enjoying the game. Keep the questions coming.