Beta testers needed

By AppA11y, 3 May, 2017

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

We are getting ready to launch a word search game that is voiceover accessible. Looking for anyone willing to do some voiceover beta testing. Any help would be very much appreciated.

Lee Hobbs



By JTran2013 on Monday, May 8, 2017 - 05:55

I'm interested in beta testing your upcoming game. Thank you for making your game accessible!

By Earle on Monday, May 8, 2017 - 05:55

Like the subject says, I'd be very interested in testing your app. I am totally blind and I have experience with beta testing apps. I have tested several in the past, and I am currently testing apps at the present.If I can be of any help, please email me at:

[email protected]

Thank you.

By Adaria on Monday, May 8, 2017 - 05:55

I would be happy to test this app. I've been hoping for an accessible word search app for awhile now and I've done some beta testing on apps for folks before.

Just let us know what we need to do. Thanks a bunch!

By Siobhan on Monday, May 8, 2017 - 05:55

Hello. As i specialize in this type of thing, and already use test flight, please feel free to add me to the beta team. I agree, just tell us what you're looking for. Thanks.

By AppA11y on Monday, May 8, 2017 - 05:55

In reply to by JTran2013

Thanks to everyone who responded! The beta version should be ready in the next week. I will add you to test flight and reach out once we release the beta version.

Thanks again,

By Paul Martin on Monday, May 8, 2017 - 05:55

where were we meant to sign up again? The link is dead, giving me a 404 and other such lovely stuff. On a sidenote, wasn't there once a forum or list for this kind of thing here on AppleVis?

By tunmi13 on Monday, May 8, 2017 - 05:55

Me and words are like close relatives!!! Nything that has to do with words, spelling, writing, reading, count, me, in!!!
I'd love to beta test your app. Email is: [email protected].