In Need of Beta Testers for SpokenGames

By nmpettus, 3 November, 2014

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Some of you here are familiar with my first few attempts at writing audiogames, Spoken Slots, Spoken Slots Free, and Spoken 21. I currently have two games in development and need a few people (up to 5) to beta test and send me feedback. I develop games for visually impaired and blind people. I need willing beta testers who will download the game and also send me suggestions, comments, ideas, and ideas for improvement.

Here is what I ask:

1. Send me your email address and I will send you an invite to testflight.
2. When you Accept, testflight will record the UDID for your device (iPhone, iPad, or iPod).
3. I will add your device to my official testers and remake the build to included your device.
4. I will then post a new build and send you an install download email.
5. After that please run the app and listen to all of the instructions. There are spoken and written instructions.
6. Sign up for or turn on Game Center in your device. You do not need VoiceOver.
7. Play the game multiple times and give me your comments.
8. You can send an email to [email protected].
9. I promise to listen and do my best to answer your email and use your suggestions.

I want these games to be accessible and fun for all to play. The AppStore price will be .99 for each app. I will send you some promotional codes for each of the apps for helping. I am an independent developer who is a retired programmer. I learned Objective - C and XCode, in order to try an write apps for the blind. My uncle is my inspiration. He loved to play computer games before he developed macular degeneration. I felt that it might be possible to use the iPhone, iPad, and iPod, to provide a platform to write audiogames.

I need your help to make these games better. I can't do it without your help. If you don't like the app, please tell me what I can do to make it better and more playable.

If you would like to help, I will credit your contribution in my acknowledgements on the website and facebook page (spoken games), send you the promotional codes, and use every word you say in the design and finish of each app. Remember my main objective is to produce better apps for you to enjoy. I am so grateful for this community and the opportunity to hear from you and work with each of you.

Thanks for your help.

[email protected]

PS: I will be glad to answer any questions you may have. Thanks again.



By nmpettus on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 23:20

I have 3 more spots open for this beta test. Thanks to the seven who have volunteered already. If you don't get in on this app, write me anyway and I will add you to the next beta which should be very soon. Thanks again


By nmpettus on Friday, October 31, 2014 - 23:20

I am so thankful for all of you who responded to my request for beta testers. I hope this will help to improve my apps. Thank you again. I have all the beta testers needed at this time. Again thank you so much for your help.


By Jessica Brown on Monday, December 1, 2014 - 23:20

Hi. I would like to help beta test when you get new spots open. Thank you.

By nmpettus on Monday, December 1, 2014 - 23:20

The beta test for Catch 52 is nearly complete thanks to all the testers from this community. I am so thankful for their time and help inw finding bugs, adding new features, and general encouragement. I appreciate all of you and your support. Thanks to each of you. I will be featuring an detailed acknowledgement on the website in the next few days.

I hope as time permits to someday meet some of you and thank you personally. I try to attend the blind and assistive technology conferences so it may be possible in the future. I have several new ideas and games in development but continue to welcome your ideas, wants, needs, and desires. Thanks again. The game should be out in the next two weeks.

By nmpettus on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - 23:20

Catch 52 has just been submitted to Apple for review thanks in large part to my excellent group of beta testers from the Applevis community. Many accessible features were added as a result of their comments and reviews. Thank you so much for your support. I will make a final announcement once the app is approved and in the AppStore.