SONAR ISLANDS - new game by mentalhome - the makers of feer

By, 13 January, 2021

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

Welcome all, we have some previews to share with you on
you will find some audio and video previews of our new game, scheduled to release in march 2021.
so take a look there and all the best for 2021 and stay safe



By ming on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 - 14:15

can't wait to try it.
can you tell us more about it?
like what type of game it is.
and show us some demo?

By Emily Chia on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 - 14:15

Will this game cost money and if so how much and will it be a separate game from fear meaning will we have to pay for different types of games or is it one game

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 - 14:15

In reply to by Emily Chia

Is the game of running blind--Feer--still going to have updates? Remember the thing I said about some of my quest components not calculating correctly, so why is that? On this new game, it seems like you walk around just as you would in A Blind Legend. Am I right on thinking this? Shared links on social media, so hopefully, more will like them too/wish we could've heard the toys with bombs attached, though … just to get ready. Will there be a tutorial for each island when you get started? I bet it'll be a mega download--"costing" many mb/gb of phone space, right? Wish we would've heard some things about the machine hall/seems to have left that one out. No matter though as the others are great--hope you'll keep the opening track before the videos started/sounded really cool. I'll buy this game, for sure/if it's pretty low in cost, that is.

By ming on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 - 14:15

can't wait to play it!

By on Tuesday, January 26, 2021 - 14:15

we posted some audio teasers of SONAR ISLANDS on our website
on your many questions, some answers:
1. You will walk free on the islands, but not like Blind Legend, follow a voice, you choose the path.
2. There will be a tutorial to learn how to navigate and play it. But some details we spare out, that you all have to discover something new.
3. We try to keep the data amount of the game, as little as possible, but you will need an internet connection.
4. And for the future of FEER, our statement is on the first post of our news. So read it.
5. And last not least, the game will cost a fair price, but we also have to live from our earnings.
6. We have put all your wishes and suggestions into SONAR ISLANDS, so we hope, you all will like it.
Stay tuned and follow us on twitter @eu.mentalhome or facebook
all the best

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

In reply to by

I’m trying to fill out your form, but everything’s turned around. For example, when I try putting in my e-mail, it puts all the letters in backward even though I’ve been typing it in the right way. I’ve never had a Google document not work for me, so why would this do so? Can you fix it before I try again? If not, can you send me a text document—in Word to That way, I can fill out the application and e-mail it back to you.

By Emily Chia on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

I wanna test your game but the website is in another language I need help please or can you send me the link to Test my Email is I can’t even go through the website link cuz I can’t understand it

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

In reply to by Emily Chia

hello Ms. Emily,
I'm Ashleigh Piccinino, a felow member on here. I've found that using your iPhone and the "format options" of the website will do the trick. If you have the app called Translate on your phone, make sure that's open and set to English as your language of choice. Then, go to the website listed on the thread previously, and hit your "format options." of course, still use your phone. look for "translate to English" and double-tap on this. it'll ask you if you'd like to do this if you'v not done so yet in the past. of course, you do, so doubled tap on yes. Be careful though as there's a bug in the Google form, I think. once you start entering data, it'll put it in backward even though you're trying to put it in the right way. for example, it'll start with the last letter of your e-mail address, typing it in backward while yu've typed it in forward/ the right way. I'm trying to get that fixed. of course, you could just see what you can make out from the German language ... after you've filled everything out in English, though. the form will also come up on the German side, so repeate the steps above to get it to English. hope this helps, fellow islander, and good luck.

By alex wallis on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

Hi, so I have listened to the previews, and read what the game is about, but I guess I would like to know is this game supposed to be another endless game like fear? and will it actually have things to do in it like puzzles or enemies to fight. I guess I understand the idea of the game, but i'm wondering is this kind of like a rebranded fear just with different sounds where you just walk around and listen to them in different themed worlds.

By on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

Sonar Islands is completely different. You can walk free on the island you own or attack.
First you own one island, later in the game you get more islands and you have to attack islands of other players and steal their gold. So you play with multiple players around the world, regardless of language and region. For better orientation you have a compass tool to locate the tresures and the pickup point for returning home. There is a time limit of 3 minutes and 33 seconds for every travel to a foreign island. As every player can place obstacles on his islands with his winnings, they start easy, but with more obstacles it gets harder to find all the treasures.
So it is not like FEER.

By Karok on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

Hello, I submitted my tester form. When will you be letting people know, if they have been accepted?

By Firefly on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

This game sounds extremely interesting! I have a question when it comes out will it be available for iOS? I’d also like to do a podcast episode on this game when it comes out. How do I get on the beta testing team? Actually. Please disregard my two questions, as I was able to answer them on my own.

By alex wallis on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

Hi, the game sounds really fun and exciting. I started filling out the form to apply to be a tester, but decided not to finish it, the form was very long and asked a lot of questions. I wasn't sure how to answer the one on visual impairment, as its very technicle and clinical and if someone wants to ask me about my visual impairment I would say totally blind or partially sighted not talking about all those different numbers.

also, I don't understand the reason for all those different questions especially around employment, my level of social connectedness, and how much I spend on games, according to GDPR you should only be collecting information where you have a valid reason for asking those questions and a need to process it. I can understand why you might want to ask about how much I spend to help you set a price, but the question didn't give a good answer for my particular answer as I just spend as and when there is a game I want to buy not regularly each month.

the final straw why I didn't complete filling out the form was when I got to the question about why I wanted to be a tester, I wrote a very long detailed answer then it was only when I looked under the question box that I saw the 300 word limit talked about. the length and nature of the form was what really put me off from completing it and alienated me as a potential tester. I would still be interested in being a tester but those questions are just two long and detailed and some not relevant in my view. Given that I spent about 20 minutes on the form before deciding to stop filling it out.

By Firefly on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

The comment that got me was the fact that they want you to input your phone number. While I don’t mind giving out my email address, I feel that giving up my phone number it’s a little too personal. That being said, I still look forward to the game being released, and I also look forward to doing a podcast episode on it.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

I filled out the form, and it worked well/no backward typing of information. However, I did find some spelling errors, so look out for them. They're not detractors to the content, though.

By on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

First of all, we want to get to know you a little bit. What you are doing, what your interests are, and so on.
For the test we have to give out the work of a year and expect to get a decent feedback.
Some people take a beta test as a kind of free early access to a game. The answers to the questions are done half way, if ever.

By ming on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

hey! I already fill in the form and have my E-mail....

By Blind angel 444 on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

I don’t have a phone, so can I still sign up? I want to help.

By KE7ZUM on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

Yeah it's way too late. You need a mobile device such as an iPhone. I guess for now you will have to wait. I'm late too but I can wait. If this game will be as fun as feer is, I really cannot wait.

By ming on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

does it schedule to released on March sometime?
really can't wait to play it

@ blind angel
but Sonar Islands is a smartphone game.

yes, if the tests go well, we release in march 2021

all the best
Hansjoerg from Mentalhome
can you tell us that is it early of March or later?

By KE7ZUM on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

As a rule I never ever ever give release dates for my stuff, in case something happens. All we know is it will be in march, that is, it will come out when it comes out. Patience everybody.

By brandon armstrong on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

why is it that everytime we get a good dev doing something this groups always seems to ask about whether it will cost or not? I find it funny that some will drop thousands on outdated stuff or on a new iphone but yet when a game comes out and it costs a bit people here seem to complain about it or ask about cost when the game isn't even released yet.

By Brian Giles on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

In reply to by brandon armstrong

That's mobile gaming for ya! People whine if a game has an up front purchase price, but don't give a second thought to spending hundreds or sometimes even thousands of dollars on in-game microtransactions.

it's ok. I truly understand.

we have to wait for the surprise then.
and I don't mind paying for a great game.
great game should have support to maintenance and keep updating.

keep the good work my friend.

By Maranatà on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

Hi! Can't wait for the game to come out, I'm sure it will be as gorgeous as Feer. But I would like to know if it will also be translated into Italian like the previous game. I hope so otherwise I would have a lot of difficulty playing.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

I haven't received an e-mail to follow up on whether I'm a tester or not. Did I possibly sign up too late? I did it when the post first came out, so ...

By KE7ZUM on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

If you dodn't the email in about maybe a few days I'd assume you didn't get picked. I know I didn't as I was late. it all works out as I'm very very busy over the next month. Man I might start playing feer again, if I can find my headphones,

By Firefly on Friday, February 26, 2021 - 14:15

In reply to by brandon armstrong

I did ask that question about the price on another forum. The only reason I want to know, is so that I can budget it in. Because if the scam cost I would still like to buy it.

By Evermore2020 on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

If this game is anything like fear, you better believe I’m going to buy it.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

Hello everyone,
This game's a different concept, so I've heard from the developers. I think it'll be fun though/got an e-mail saying their thanks and that they could only test with 30 participants/iDevices right now. Hopefully, I'll be one of them but won't sweat it if I'm not. I think that'll just add to the surprise.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

everyone better pore some water on this topic cause it's burin' up! I just got an e-mail from the developers ... you know the ones. They said that all applicants were selected, but there were more applications than they could take. I'm sure you all got the e-mail too, that you're all in with Testflight when the app link/invite happens. That includes me too, of course!

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

do you think you'll have to complete a single island in one sitting? That's what I'm afraid of, closing the game to do actual real work and coming back just to have to start over again. do you think that'll be the case? I hope not.

By Brad on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

From what I read; there's a 3 minute timer per island, so it's probably one of those games you play for a bit then put down.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

Will you be able to name your island/s after you've saved them/before? I just don't want to get lost, knowing where I've been/where I still have to go. Also, I wish we would've heard the sounds of the prizes with bombs attached, just to get ready. Some of the locators sound like those usedd in A Dusklight Story/Detective's Demise. Do you think so as well?

By KE7ZUM on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

I just redownloaded feer on iOs and forgot how fun this game was. I'll be buying this game and recording a review somehow.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

The islands are now mine, at least through Testflight. I'll be accessing them right ... now baby, right freaking now! I've been waiting for this for a while, so ... let's play and find out what's next. Well, I found out pretty quickly that you can't go too far into the ocean. of course, the narrator pulled me out. however, I'm also glad the female narrator--the one who was in Feer--is back/the factory of that game's here as well, so yea! I was hoping, however, to kill those snakes, but ... no luck. I've put my first bug report into the developers, so hopefully, despite me doing it with a Braille display--exporting and some Braille characters not being read ... despite all that, I hope they can get my message. For those of you becoming Orientation and Mobility instructors, switch to the giroscope version of rotating your character. The reason why I say this is because that's how you navigate in real life-i'll use the game for lessons on sound localization, for sure although not an OMS.

By ming on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

what type or genre of this game it can be?
is it a adventure, action, or anything like it?

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

To me, apparently the first beta tester, it's seeming to be like an adventure story. however I wish we could lur the lions into the traps--oh, wait, I guess i'm not supposed to spoil it but I did ... just a tiny bit! I feel like this game could be one of survival where you have to do all you're doing now, to survive a week or so on one of these islands. I can't see why developers wouldn't make the Legend of Zelda series like this for us. I don't have an Apple watch, but I could see learning how to swing a sword llike that--with that movement of your arm--even if you didn't have said watch but DaFit like I have. Anyway, I think as I do, but there are things I'd like to have changed--going into e-mails to the developers. I'm writing them as immediately as I can--of course, not stopping my playthrough right at the second I get stuck--which I haven't. been hung once though ... oh, damn--there's that spoiler again.

By Ashleigh Piccinino on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

I don't know if this is happenstance or what, but I think I've somehow trained--yes trained--one of the lions to lead me to the prizes/the exit point. At least that's what I'm saying until know for sure. Just a few moments ago, I didn't use the compass but where the big cat went to find both a chest of gold and the exit point in the jungle ... on an actual quest thing-made a successful plunder, that is. I've been drinking a little tonight too, so who knows. I think the game's fine the way it is but see my previous message. I think I'll buy it anyway, just to use the diamonds that aren't there in the Beta--so silly, that!

By KE7ZUM on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

I can't wait to get this game in march. I probably will not use the gyroscope thing, I understand why it is there, but can there be a swipe method for when I'm let's say in bed playing this or just sitting in a chair? also let's say I find your island and I destroy it while you are off line and asleep. what happens then besides a few choice words to me lol!

By Diego on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

when I enter the link sent to my email, it opens the app story with the test flight, and I already have it installed. How can I access the game?

By on Friday, March 26, 2021 - 14:15

@ Diego
When testflight is open, go to Sonar Islands and install the game.

Spoiler for all: We have only a few corrections to the game for now,
so it can't take long for release and the testers like it very much.