Updated IOS 8.1.2 now game announcers have a bad cold

By Imani, 20 December, 2014

iOS and iPadOS Gaming

I updated to IOS 8.1.2 and now all of my games such as, Bord at Work BlackJack, Catch 52 and Blindfold Cryptogram sound like the announcers have a bad cold. I uninstalled and reinstalled, but they still sound the same. Any suggestions would be appreciated.



By KE7ZUM on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - 23:21

Try reinstalling the os. Looks like something broke.

By Imani on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - 23:21

I'll try that & let you know if it worked.

By Rocker on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - 23:21

I doubt this is IOS directly. All my games by the board at work black jack guys are broken. We will just have have to wait for them to release an update. Make sure you let the dev know so they don't just brush you off man...Rocker

By Imani on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - 23:21

In reply to by Rocker

I wrote to them... I'll hope they'll update soon.

By Toonhead on Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - 23:21

My bored at work blackjack game works just as it should. I'm thinking you may not have the HQ voices installed on your phone? Remember games like bored at work blackjack and others are self-voicing, and in some cases are slightly changed to give it a more animated effect. So it might just be how the voice sounds no matter what.