bread crumbs, lookTell or Kengin

By Juan Avila, 12 July, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
LookTell will soon post its newist app called Breadcrumbs for ten dollars. However, there is another app with the same name but from a company called Kengin and seems to offer about the same thing only a little different. Does anyone know if this is a helpfull and accessible app to use? Any feedback would be fantastic.



By Sandra on Tuesday, July 31, 2012 - 23:35

I don't think the Breadcrumbs app by Kengin and LookTel Breadcrumbs GPS have too much in common, except that they drop breadcrumbs. :-) If you read the documentation of LookTel Breadcrumbs GPS at you can see that the LookTel app will let you save several routes, Email your routes to share them with others, and give you text information about your souroundings, i.e. street address etc. Kingen Breadcrumbs will only give you a map, and I doubt it'll be accessible.

By Scott Davert on Tuesday, July 31, 2012 - 23:35

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

In reply to by Sandra

That's 100% correct. The other apps that are currently in the App Store called Breadcrumbs are not the Looktel app and do not have the features it advertizes to have. That's an important distinction.