Bug in IOS 5;1 that needs to be resolved.

By Siobhan, 30 March, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
Hello everyone. I attempted to try to share a contact with someone. After I was on the right contact, I tried to send it to someone else. When I started to type into the to feld of the message, I tried to select the right person, because I have more then oneperson beginning with the letter I used. However, all I heard was a clicking sound, VO didn't read what I was selecting. I therefore gave up. I did call the accessibility specialists at Apple, and the gentleman I spoke with told me that this must've been a bug. It worked in IOS 5.0 but not 5.1 The more people who submit this information to http://www.apple.com/feedback the quicker he told me this would be resolved. I hope I made sense. Talk soon, Siobhan



By Siobhan on Thursday, March 29, 2012 - 14:03

Hi guys. I've gone and tried to share a contact, here are my results. If you type into the to field of the message, the results aren't narrowed down and read by voice over. Second, you can not share a contact that has multiple entries IE. two numbers, a phone and an email address. If there is only one number in contact that's shared, you are able to use messaging to successfully send the item tosomeone else. Hope this might help if anyone was confused.
I just tried what you describe. I don't see any of the sort of issue that you are mentioning. Maybe I don't understand what you mean exactly, but when I select "Share" then select "message" and enter into the "To" field, everything is read and narrowed down perfectly fine the way it needs to be. I also had no issues sharing a contact having multiple phone numbers and e-mail addresses. When you say that you "lose speech," can you please tell me if this is for longer periods or only applying when you are trying to narrow down in the "To" field?
As the subject of this comment would suggest, VoiceOver is silent when scrolling through the photos and wallpaper selections when choosing wallpaper. The back button is spoken, but VoiceOver just clicks when scrolling through the actual list. This happens both with the default Apple wallpaper choices and the camera roll option. I'm not sure if this is present in either the photos or camera apps themselves, but it sure is an issue with the wallpaper selection. I plan to write the Apple accessibility team about this issue. Thanks, Shersey
This reads too What phone do you have? I've had people say something similar who have the 3GS and 4. If you need me to, I'll happily display it at least working here. Even so though, still worth suggesting, obviously, since clearly something is wrong if you can't read them and I can.

By cjsims on Thursday, March 29, 2012 - 14:03

I haven't used the chair contact function for ages. However, I did do it in IOS5.0 with no issue.
I have the iPhone 4. I'm waiting to get the 5 or whatever the next one will be, since my upgrade comes in May of this year, and a few more months of waiting won't kill me.
Hi. Sorry if I didn't make sense. Let's try if I can take you step by step. BTw, i have the iPhone four. And as a side note: I can get VO to read both wallpapers and camera roll options. Anyway. 1. Go to the contact you want to share, and click share contact, using messaging. 2. Then a to field, with what I assume is the person you want to send the contact too. Say joe wants James' numbers. So I would click on Jame, then send to Joe. Hope you could follow that. 3. If you write the letter J, to narrow down your search results, it clicks, but vo won't read the options. If you select add from address book, and pick the right person, there was where I couldn't send the contact because it had multiple entries. If thi sis completely confusing you, I am happy to demo this via Skype if you want me to show you. Maybe I'm the one at fault. Also I only lost speeck int he search area not anywhere else on the phone. Thank you for responding, I'm sorry my answer to thisis long winded.