Getting my mom a new Ipad

By Misty Dawn, 27 November, 2021

iOS and iPadOS

(Don’t worry. She’s not on this site!)


I have never worked with an iPad with VoiceOver before and will probably have to help her with the setup and other processes. Also, I’ve never set up an iDevice straight out of the box but had my phone store from where I bought my iPhone set it up there.

So, anything I should be aware of? Any tips? Advice? Specifically involving setting up the new iPad and, first, activating VoiceOver independently. Any online resources you can point me to for further info?

My mom and I currently both still have iPhone 8s but she’s getting the latest version of the iPad which she’s been talking about wanting lately. So, are there any (particularly VoiceOver) differences between the iPhone 8 and the latest iPad that I need to be aware of?




By Misty Dawn on Monday, December 6, 2021 - 16:13

By the way, I bought the iPad under my Apple ID, so, when I get it, is it already going to be logged in under my ID so that, if I want to make it for my mom, do I need to log out of my Apple ID first and log in with hers?

By Justin Philips on Monday, December 6, 2021 - 16:13

It will come as a fresh install with you (your mom) having to set it up. Gestures are essentially the same but enough things diverge to make it interesting. A portfolio cover or a bluetooth keyboard would make a good companion. Good luck!

By Kevin Shaw on Monday, December 6, 2021 - 16:13

Hi Misty Dawn,

Out of the box, the iPad will ask if you want VoiceOver turned on. I bought my mom an iPad a couple of years ago and set it up for her. You'll want to create an Apple ID as well as a Google ID for her using the same e-mail address. Google is for things like Youtube, Google Earth (moms like that app for some reason) and any other google services.

You will need to decide whether you want to tie your or her credit card to the App Store and iTunes. My mom is not set up for that, but you can put her on a family sharing plan.

Good luck!