Help please with Overdrive Media Console!

By steven carey, 16 April, 2012

iOS and iPadOS
Dear All, Does anyone know how to display a list of audio books available at a local library? I have been using this App for some time and can get as many e-books as I can read. However, I cannot display any audio books in the list of results I get after searching. I have found the area that requires me to choose the format I want to access, for example, e-books and I assume that I should be able to slide-down to choose audio books but this doesn't work.. Therefore, do I just assume that I will not be able to access audio books or am I being stupid and doing something wrong? The person that put the Overdrive Media Console on the IOS directory did suggest that audio books were available for download and I am able to download audio books on my lap top by using the Windows version of this software but it just doesn't appear to work on the IOS version of the App. Could someone please help? Many thanks, Steve.



By Bahzad on Sunday, April 29, 2012 - 14:02

Hi, Steve, I had encountered a similar problem when I first installed the app. After talking with one of my local library's representatives on the phone, I was told that books in a certain format are playable, specifically MP3 audio books. Some titles are produced in MP3 format, while others are in WMA. "The Hunger Games," for instance, can probably be downloaded because it's seen from within the search page as an MP3 audio book. To look for books in only this format, you can do the following: 1. Double tap "Get Books Plus." 2. If you have added a library, its name will be announced, along with its URL. Double tap this link, which will open in Safari. Click on "browse," or "search" if you have a title that you want to look for. If you choose the "browse" link, the page displayed will give you options that range from Adobe EPUB to OverDrive MP3 audio books. When you select the link you wish to click on, these texts will be shown in that specific format. If you haven't added a library, the option is available before the link that will direct you to the library you could have selected to match your current location. In truth, I haven't downloaded a book that's in MP3 format on my i device yet, so I'm just basing this off of what I know. Good luck.