Today I updated my phone from iOS 17.7 to iOS 18.0.
I use iPhone SE second edition.
I am struggling with using the iPhone.
When VoiceOver read apps names of home screen VoiceOver read English word and the numbers.
For example, if there is google app VoiceOver said "Google break time 400ms#47".
If there is gmail app VoiceOver said "gmail break time 400ms#47".
Also when I listenthe sentence VoiceOver said "the sentence break time random numbers ms #47".
VoiceOver read "I like bread. break time 300ms #47. I eat bread everyday. break time 300ms #47."
When I type the sentence as well.
These problems are really strange.
By Hana, 17 September, 2024
iOS and iPadOS
Have you tried restarting your phone?
Most people you talk to will recommend that you restart your device every time after an update, just in case something went awry in the installation, just to clear some things up.
I personally don't do this as I've never really had many issues that have forced me to do that, but most other people will tell you, to restart after an update.
You could also possibly reset all settings, but be aware you will have to reconnect to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and other such things. Nothing like your Apple ID from what I know should be affected,
I have tried restarting my phone after updating.
Thank you for your reply!
I have tried restarting my phone after updating.
But these problems are continuing.
Also when I listen to the nortifications, VoiceOver said suddenly "screen curtain on" in the middle of reading them.
So I can't finish reading them.
that gives me a headache also.
A couple of suggestions
Hi Hana,
I have a couple of suggestions that might be useful for you.
1. Try switching into a different voice. I have noticed that some of the VoiceOver voices need to be re-downloaded after the iOS 18 update due to bizarre issues.
2. Go to settings, then accessibility, then voiceover, then verbosity, and make sure you have numbers set to “words” rather than “numbers”.
Someone has posted on here that having numbers set to read as numbers causes voiceover to read out a lot of gibberish. So hopefully the suggestions will help you out.
Best of luck.
Thank you for suggestions
hi, Brian
Thank you for suggestions.
1. I Tried switching into a different voice but the situation was same.
2. I checked verbosity in VoiceOver settings and word was set.
I will check other setting and I will try investigating the cause.
Thank you.
Some Questions
Hi Hana,
What you describe sounds like a variant of an issue that has surfaced occasionally throughout the years, and if this is what I think it is, there may possibly be a way around it. What voice are you using, and what language and region is your phone set to?
About my iPhone
My language set to Japanese and the region is Japan.
I use mainly Kyoko enhanced. Sometimes I use SIRI 2 also.
The issue you described in your original post is indeed very strange.
I've upgraded my iPhone 15 ProMax to iOS 18 overnight and I have never experience the issues you mentioned.
My language is set to English US and my region is set to Thailand. I'm using the Samantha Enhanced voice for VO.
I think so.
Thank you for your reply.
Yes. I heard other people updated to iOS 18.0.
But there are no the issues I mentioned.
I just try checking other settings.
Do You Have the Option of Trying Another Language
Hi Hana,
Are you able to try using a voice from another language, or to try changing your region settings with the existing voice you are using?
Try switching to the alex voice.
It works for me.
I understand that's not ideal because it's not Japanese but it should work for now if you don't mind things being in English.
I'd recommend reporting this to [email protected] explaining what you've done and what voiceover says.
Hopefully that helps them to fix this issue in a future update.
It's really not good that these voices do this. I've heard people insist there are blind people working at apple. I believe them but I wonder why these bugs don't get fixed ASAP if that's true.
Perhaps it's a bad communication issue like in many companies.
re:Voiceover Problems IOS 18 update
I updated my phone (an SE 2020) on Monday. During the update, my Siri 1 voice, which had been male, suddenly switched to female. I played the Siri voices & #3 seemed to be male, so I downloaded it & selected it as my voice.
When the update completed, it appeared to be normal. I restarted my device & entered my password. Suddenly Voiceover began making a puttputt sound, almost like Morse code. When I turned Voiceover off, the putt putt sound stopped, but obviously then I didn't have speech. My thought was that perhaps changing from a Siri voice to a VO 1 might help. I had to call Apple accessibility support to help me do that, of course.
I changed to Alex, & things seemed to work, but I didn't really like it. I finally changed to Evan, but I'm not crazy about it either. I went back into Siri voices, & Siri 1 had changed from a female back to a male voice again. But when I tried to use it, Voiceover became like static on an AM radio. I was able to change back to Evan w/o help from Apple this last time.
I also noticed yesterday that my screen was reversed, ie, if I had the rotor set to characters & swiped right to spell the word, it actually spelled backwards, as in m-e-s-s-a-g-e-s was s-e-g-a-s-s-e-m.
So I'm suggesting that perhaps before updating, if you're using a Siri voice, you might want to consider switching to a VO voice & try changing back to Siri once the update is completed. I think if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't have updated.
Reset all settings
If nothing else works, go to General and then reset the settings. That might help.
Adding to my VO difficulties
Well what I'm discovering is that even after redownloading Siri voices, I still can't use them w/VO. They work anywhere from 2-5min, & then it's nothing but white noise. I really don't like the voices VO offers, but I guess for now that's what I'll have to use. Guys, my advice is just avoid Siri voices for now, & I'd have to say that's especially true if you have an SE phone. I'd also observe that my phone feels hotter than normal when running them, so perhaps there's some kind of overheating issue coming into play. The fact that VO will work for a certain length of time using a Siri voice also suggest that. BTW, I only used Siri voices 1 & 3. I don't think I want to experiment w/others, thank you very much. I've had too many close calls re: losing speech already today. I sure hope Apple takes a look at this.
Thank you for many suggestions
I changed another language. I tried using Alex and SIRI 4 English US.
There are no the issues I mentioned for now.
But I switch Japanese VO and English VO, because I need to read Japanese sentence.
And I am going to report the issues to [email protected].
Thank you for your help and I really appreciate!
SE phones
I think that the Se 2020 is getting old. Mine already played crazy with 17.
I didn't know that.
If the issue isn't fixed completely, I'm thinking about buying my new iPhone.
But I am going to wait for a while until the issue is fixed.
A New Phone Won't Fix This
Hi Hana,
Referencing your previous comment, this sounds like a software issue--thus a new phone would not fix it. I would definitely report this to Apple Accessibility.
Thank you for your reply.
I understand.
I am going to report the issue to Apple Accessibility, too.
Thank you.
voiceover problems is continuing
Hi. I'm Hana.
I updated my iPhone into iOS18.3.2.
But voiceover problems is continuing.
I reseted all settings, changed other voices and so on but the problems couldn't be improved.
I reported the issue to Apple Accessibility several times.
I'm really really struggling with using iPhone.
I am not sure what to do.