iPad Keyboard Shortcuts

By AlienX, 29 December, 2021

iOS and iPadOS

Hello all,
I've an iPad mini 5. Couple things. One, does it support Split View? Second, is there a more complete list of keyboard shortcuts for the iPad? The Bluetooth keyboard I have, a Logitech MX Keys, does not have a globe key. The list in the iPad user guide seems to be incomplete. Many thanks.



By Andy Lane on Friday, December 31, 2021 - 05:17

Hey, I’m not sure about split view on iPad mini as I only have a pro but I think it works the exact same way. As for your other questions, You can assign CApS Lock to be the globe key if you’d like, Just go to settings, General, Keyboard and you’ll find a section in there for remapping a few keys. You can also find a list of all shortcut keys by holding the command key for about 3 seconds or so. In each app the list will apply to that app and on the home screen it will list the system wide shortcut keys. I hope that helps.

By AlienX on Friday, December 31, 2021 - 05:17

While browsing the iPad user guide, I did find that the mini 5 us supported. I have not yet figured out how to actually use Split View. What is the secret for this? :)

As to the globe key, when I set the Caps Lock then ran VO keyboard help, it said FN. I had NO idea the Fn key is the globe key. Amazing. You pointed me in the right direction, thanks.

By Yvonnezed on Friday, December 31, 2021 - 05:17

for multitasking, either use the button in the status bar on the touchscreen, or to get the keystrokes, hold the globe key for a few seconds the same way the command key works. You should then get all the keystrokes for multitasking.

By AlienX on Friday, December 31, 2021 - 05:17

Now it's all coming together. The statuys bar. :) One last question. Is there any advantage to using Slide Over?

By Yvonnezed on Monday, January 31, 2022 - 05:17

In reply to by AlienX

This question actually made me think, and I did a bit of playing around myself yesterday. Up until iOS 15 I'd have said not a lot, since although you could create a slideover window, you couldn't really activate it with voiceover enabled.

In 15, particularly now that there's a keystroke it could be really handy. The usual thing slideover gets suggested for are where you want to use an app briefly with another. Possibly things like a clipboard manager, or a text editor to take notes on something. Particularly with the mini, it might be nice to have an app appear and disappear with a keystroke.

In the end I'd just play with it a bit, which is certainly what I'm going to do for the next week or so, ☺️

By AlienX on Monday, January 31, 2022 - 05:17

That makes sense indeed. What are the keystrokes? I did not see any in the VoiceOver settings under Commands where I did find a couple for Split View.

Not sure about voiceover keystrokes. All I meant is that to slide an app in you use globe backslash and I think the same shortcut dismisses it. I think there's also a way to switch between apps that are in the slideover app switcher, which is actually separate from the usual one.

By AlienX on Monday, January 31, 2022 - 05:17

Yes. My keyboard has no globe key. If I make caps lock the globe key then I have no caps lock.

I have all the VoiceOver equivlalents of the globe commands except for Slide Over.

By Yvonnezed on Monday, January 31, 2022 - 05:17

Can't say I've ever really missed capslock, myself. Before this whole globe thing turned up I was using capslock for voiceover. I have to admit though, that using a key almost no keyboard has for essential keyboard commands kind of sucks.

By Dave Nason on Monday, January 31, 2022 - 05:17

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team

Just to clarify, the Globe key maps exactly with the FN key on most keyboards. In other words, Globe is FN.
Certainly all Apple made keyboards have the FN key if they don’t have a Globe, and I think the majority of third party ones do too.

By AlienX on Monday, January 31, 2022 - 05:17

When I first set the Caps Lock to be the Globe key, and turned Voiceover keyboard help on, Voiceover would announce that Caps Lock key as Fn. When I reverted back, Cps Lock is announced but the Fn key remains silent.

Maybe I am missing something? :)

By Yvonnezed on Monday, January 31, 2022 - 05:17

Maybe fn is what Voiceover says when you press capslock when it's mapped to globe, but, at least with the two keyboards I've used, the actual fn key on the keyboard doesn't act as a globe key. I wish it did, though.