Latest Twitterrific

By Juan, 9 December, 2012

iOS and iPadOS

Hello everyone:
I just downloaded and installed the latest twitterific app on my iphone. I believe is version 5.0 I listened to a podcast done by michael which I believe was version 4. On the podcast he shoed How you could change the frequency the app would refresh the tweets. On the latest twitterrific How do you change this setting?
also on version 4 the app produced like a bird sound everytime it refreshed on version 5 How can you set this up?
I did see a settings option on version 5 but couldn't find any of what I am asking. I also went to the normal settings on the iphone and couldn't find the twitterrific app to change its settings.



By Michael Hansen on Saturday, December 8, 2012 - 08:42

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hi Juan, I, too, miss all of those Twitterrific 4 features. Twitterrific 5 does make a quiet sound when new tweets are received...but nothing like the bird sound in version 4. I too cannot find the automatic updates feature...but I think that is because The Iconfactory is planning to have streaming tweets built in in a later update.

By AnonyMouse on Saturday, December 8, 2012 - 08:42

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
Hello Juan, I'll be happy to answer most of your questions. Yes, in the v4.0 we had quite a few things that are not in the new v5.0. I am with you on the bird chirps. I miss the bird chirps and the vibration when a new tweets are in our timeline. It isn't you at all. They have done away with both of those features in v5.0. However, just to let you know I've personally been talking with the team members closely in what would like to see and bugs that we are finding out with the v5.0. I told them we miss those features and would love to have them back! So they are aware of our complaints. The good news is that a lot of the bugs I've reported to them have been mostly fixed and we should expext those bugs to be squashed in the next release. Mostly in the accessibility area. Now as for the auto refresh that we once had. Well, this is a changing process they are doing. In due time they will be rolling over to the new Twitter API that allows a Twitter Client to get Tweets in real time. So very soon what we know of auto refresh and manual refresh will be a thing in the past. Twitterrific are ahead of the game on this. This is why I strongly agree that Twitterrific will be far ahead of Tweetlist when this get implemented. So at this moment you can only refresh it manually. So it isn't you and you won't find any settings for that auto refresh we had in the v4.0. Basically, they totally re-code the entire app from scratch to make this new version. So they have updates they will be putting out very soon and in the future that will only solidify the ap and will blow past the Twitter clients that we have now. Twitter is constanly is making the developers change in how things are suppose to work. My understanding is that everyone that want to stay in the Twitter game will all have to go down this path. Twitterrific is being smart and taking that leap now instead of waiting around. If there are any other questions or suggestions. Please leave it here. I'll be happy to pass this along to them. HTH
Hi, What makes Twitterrific different from lets say, Echofon, TweetListPro, and Twitter for iPhone? Or TweetLogix? Like, how accessible is it? I downloaded Twitterific about two years ago, but I never tried it. Isn't there a paid version and free version, as well?
I don't think there is. From what I heard, and saw on the store, the newest version also forces people to rebuy the app, which is completely stupid in my opinion. I'm not going to spend money on a client I already bought once and hate, only to have to buy it again just to see if it's just as crappy.

By Clare Page on Saturday, December 8, 2012 - 08:42

Hi! I bought Twitterrific 5 a few days ago after using Twitterrific 4 for several months, and I did so because I personally like Twitterrific a lot, in fact it's my favourite Twitter app for IOS these days. I admit I was disappointed to lose the app's ability to auto-refresh tweets, but I read above that this will come back in future releases, so I won't complain about it. I admit I was surprised this became a paid app for version 5 after version 4 was free, but I'm sure the developers had a good reason for this, given all the improvements they are planning to make the app ready for Twitter's big changes next year. As long as those improvements don't break accessibility, I, for one, will be a happy Twitterrific-using camper.
Hi, if you didn't wanna use Twitterrific 5, could you still use Version 4? Right now, I have version 4 here in my iTunes library. Is the interface pretty mucht he same, with versions 4 and 5?

By alex wallis on Saturday, December 8, 2012 - 08:42

In reply to by Michael Hansen

Hi, One thing I do like is the fact you can have both the v 4 and v 5 versions of the app on your phone at the same time, so at least for now you can switch between them. I do have a question though, is there a setting that can be used to change the number of api calls the app can use for downloading tweets? as I have found that for example if I haven't been on twitter for ages and use the qube it can download up to 700 tweets at once, but twitterific seems only able to download about 200 tweets, meaning that it can only use one api call at a time. I would really like a setting to make sure the app can download more tweets at once without having to use the button to download more just to receive more tweets. I would like to be able to set it to download as many tweets as possible in one go, especially as the app doesn't have notifications yet. I wonder if the above can be past to the developers.

By Paul Martin on Saturday, December 8, 2012 - 08:42

In reply to by Dom

Well, seems you still can use version 4, but you just can't get it. This is rather unfortunate for those new to this client, as we can't demo it as was the case before.

By AnonyMouse on Saturday, December 8, 2012 - 08:42

Member of the AppleVis Editorial Team
This will always be a on going debate of what is to much to purchase and what is worth having to buy all over again. I'll be honest I was rather disappointed at first in the fact I had to buy this over again. However, after talking with the people from Twitterrific on this matter. It all make snes now. The problem is that Twitter is forcing these developers in having to do this. You see if you listen to the AppleVis Extra #4 podcast that Michael and I had. We learned a few things from them. Twitter is forcing anyone that makes a Twitter client to cap off at 100,00 tokens. So you are going to find it very rare if any at this point a free Twitter client from this point and on. The people that design an app for aliving such as Twitterrific will have to charge for their app because they know they can only sell so many of the app before it can't be used anymore. So what I am saying is that once any Twitter app reaches the 100,00 cap mark they can't or won't issues any more tokens which let you use their app. This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard. So you can no longer really have the app in the store when this mark has been reached. They have no choice but to pull the app out of the store. To get any revenue to feed their mouths. So I know this was probably a very hard choice for them to make. That is why you no longer see any free app from the team of Twitterrific. I would suspect in the next coming months to see this happening to other Twitter clients for that matter. Everyone will have to cushion that cap in anyway they can. So with that bit of information. I was gladly and had no problem in purchasing the app over again. If we don't. The Twitter app is all you going to have. If you love the native Twitter app. By all means use it. I hate it. So I am in some ways supporting people like Twitterrific for their awesome job in making sure this is accessible. In the long run I think this app will prevail in being one of the best out there. Don't get me wrong. I love Tweetlist and all the other clients out there. If Tweetlist comes down to the point of having to put out a update that require for you to purchase over again based on what I have mentioned above. I would be glad to purchase Tweetlist if I were using it on a regular basis. However, at this time Twitterrific is the only Twitter client I use on my device. HTH
Hi all. I have a question regarding tweets downloaded either by twitterrific or by any other twitter app. Does anyone know where are all tweets kept? Once they are downloaded are they on the phone or still on the server? Another question is does Twitterrific have push notifications? Thank you for your reply.
All the tweets you access on any twitter app are stored in that app. You need to realize that tweets are not like email messages that you download off a server, it's kind of like Facebook, except your getting tweets.
Hello, That is a great question! At this point Twitterrific does not offer push at this time. However, it is on their radar for offering a push notification. Hopefully, it will have a better push than what I've seen on Tweetlist. It is rather slow and has some issues. So at this point for a fast puch I just use the native Twitter app for that. Also, love the fact I can recieve push just from specific account or person I want to recieve tweets from. That ability is not found anywhere else. Push 4.0 is al very fast and stable to use as well but does cost money to purchase that when you get the almost the same results from the actual native Twitter app itself. Now as for the question where does your tweets go? Well, obviously the actual tweets that are in your Timeline on Twitter will always be there. It never goes away unless you specifically delete the tweet yourself. I know apps such as Twitterrific and Tweetlist just pull your tweets from Twitter. So it actually goes on to your device. So if you find yourself in a spot where you have no reception or wi-fi. Those tweets are there. Now of course it only contains in however many it buggers. I don't nor could I tell you how many that it stores without having to ask Twitter for those tweets again. So you at least see the past 100 or so tweets for sure. I never have gone back to see how far back it stores before it has to ask Twitter for those tweets again. Hopefully, somebody will have a more specific answer for you on that. However, I do know you do have a certain amount of tweets stored on to your device. HTH

By Maya on Friday, March 8, 2013 - 08:42

In reply to by AnonyMouse

Hello all. Please, is there an option to delete a tweet or the timeline in Twitterrific? I've read on their website that sighted users can do that, but I haven't found the way how to do that using Voiceover. I also can't remove my twitter account from Twitterrific for some reason. Any kind of help will be highly appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.
Maya, To delete your own Tweet from the Timeline is to double tap on your Tweet. One of the item to pick from is to Delete Tweet. Remember you can't delete other people tweets. Just yours. HTH

By Maya on Friday, March 8, 2013 - 08:42

In reply to by AnonyMouse

Hello. I am going to try to explain it better. Below is what I have read on Iconfactory website: “Deleting and Clearing Your Timeline (Mac & iOS) How do I delete my timeline? iOS Open the Accounts screen by tapping and holding on your avatar in the upper left, or by opening the sidebar and selecting the Accounts button. From there, tap and hold on an account to bring up editing mode. Tap on the red "X" next to an account to either delete the account from Twitterrific or to clear the cache, thus clearing the timeline.” My question is how can I do that using voiceover? I cannot get to editing mode for some reason. I have reinstalled Twitterrific, but it did not help. Thanks for your help.