iOS and iPadOS
hello everyone, I am writing to let you know about a new gps app out for iphone called motion gps drive.
it's only 99 cents, but it to me seems like a good one.
I am currently working with the developers on making it more accessible with voiceover.
I've sent them the link to the guide on making apps accessible with voiceover, and the latest email i have received is that they are going to pass on that guide to their developing team and I also pointed them to applevis so that they can get feedback from all of us.
Let me know what you all think if you do decide to try this app.
Like I said, it's good, but it needs voiceover improvement, and that's what i told the developer.
for example you have to always touch your screen to refresh a page or some of the buttons are not clearly labeled.
hope to see all of you with this app at some point.
I'll keep all of you posted on the latest developments with this app.