Hey guys,
So, a few weeks or so ago, I installed the Workflow app. I wanted to see if I could add FaceTime icons to my home screen. So, I activated the workflow app and hit the create workflow icon.
I dragged select contact and facetime action into my workflow. I then selected the contact that I wanted to be FaceTimed, and hit run.
Immediately after I did that, it came up with an error saying something about being unable to run workflow and pass the phone number/e-mail address through or something like that.
So, I am wondering: Am I doing something wrong? Are there actions I forgot to drag into the workflow?
If so, please be willing to help me out.
Thanks. :)
By tunmi13, 25 May, 2017
iOS and iPadOS
The first thing I'd check is
The first thing I'd check is that you've let workflow access your contacts.
Otherwise your workflow should work. Make sure select contact is first then FaceTime. Choose if you want audio or video on the FaceTime action and run it. You should get a list of contacts to choose from and then FaceTime the one you pick.
Question and thought
Are you wanting to have an icon on the home screen for each individual person, or just one and then you pick the contact?
Also, you are making sure the contact has an iCloud account?
There is an get details from contacts action. You might need to use it to determine whether to use a phone or email.