By steven carey, 26 March, 2012
iOS and iPadOS
Dear All,
As an avid reader and postgraduate researcher, I like to have access to as many books as possible. I already have access to I Books, Overdrive and ReadToGo apps but notice that the Kindle book store has a variety of books not available in the accessible apps I already own. As many blind people like me have found, the Kindle app doesn't provide access to the Kindle book range through the IOS app but does through the Windows operating system where text to speech voices are used to provide access to a large percentage of Kindle books. Can members of the Apple Vis team and membership support a campaign to get the Kindle app developers to produce an upgrade for the Kindle app like the Windows based app, so that blind users can use the IOS Kindle app with text to speech voices? Perhaps also the ability to choose a range of voices or the ability to download your own voices e.g. USA, UK, French male and female would be useful?
Many thanks,
Steve Carey.
RE: Possible campaign for making the Kindle App accessible
A great response Brian!
Suggesting for the Compaign of the Month
Is amazon a better choice than the kindle?
Kindle still not accessible as of September 2nd 2012!
kindle accesibility on the PC
Kindle accessability