Problem: iPhone 8, iOS 13.7: Key Clicks No Longer Heard While Entering Keys Using the Default iOS Keyboard

By David Goldfield, 17 September, 2020

iOS and iPadOS

I have an iPhone 8 running iOS 13.7. Recently, I noticed that key clicks are no longer being heard while I type characters using the default software keyboard. I have checked that keyboard clicks are enabled in Sound and Haptics. All other VoiceOver sounds are being heard, such as the earcons when swiping, opening an app, etc. I have tried turning VoiceOver off and on as well as rebooting the phone but the key clicks are still not being heard as I type. Does anyone have a possible solution?



By Chris Hill on Tuesday, October 6, 2020 - 17:12

Check your mute switch above the volume control on the left side of the phone.

By Mister Kayne on Sunday, December 6, 2020 - 17:12

There is a new setting introduced under accessibility/ VoiceOver and it has to do with sounds and haptics. There you can customize the sounds you want to hear from VoiceOver stuff like opening and closing folders, item focused etc. But as far as my memory goes I don't think I found anything that specifically sid anything about Keyboard clicks. Looking around there might help and do you no harm