Problem with the latest update of Youversion bible app

By Yoo Jin, 14 July, 2018

iOS and iPadOS

Hello all. I just upgraded the Youversion bible app, and found out I can no longer access to the page where I can select or search the scripture. The read tab doesn't seem to be accessible with voiceover anymore. Has anybody had this issue? I am using the latest ios on iphone SE.



By Travis on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 18:19

On seeing your question, I opened the app and ran into the same problem. At first I feared it was not solvable. But, I went into one of my plans from the Plans tab instead of from the read tab to get anything from the Bible readable on my screen. After that, when I again used the read tab, the text was accessible and I could read it and navigate it like before. You may, until the problem is fixed, need to use this as a sort of work-around.

By Joel Jeffries … on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 18:19

For a while, yes, you were right! The Read Tab of the YouVersion Bible App was inaccessible via the double-tap on the Chapter, field! It brought up a continuous carrousel of Bible books! The only way to search for a passage was to double-tap the Search button at top left and type in John 3:16, for instance!
but now, though somewhat convoluted, there is a work around for accessing the Read Tab from the Chapter Button! Double-tap on Chapter! You are presented with a scroll of Bible books. Double-tap on the desired book, and usually, you will hear "chapter" announced. The chapters are listed in sequential order of every fifth one, interspersed with the book name every few times down the screen. For instance: Psalms 5, 10, 15, and so on, near the right portion of the screen. Flick left or right for next or previous chapter, left, from 15 to 14, or right to 16, 17 or 18. Double-tap on desired chapter; Usually, touching near the upper right corner of screen will result in "verse". Say, you're in Psalm 119. The verses work the same as the chapters. Both chapters and verses can use the three-finger scroll up or down. Double-tap on the desired verse; you should be in the Read Tab reading a passage of Scripture as before. Keep in mind, the operation is finicky, and sometimes doesn't't cooperate. Sometimes, I have to let the app land me in the wrong chapter, and use the Next and Previous Chapter buttons near the bottom of the screen, to get to exactly where I want. You can still use the Search button at the upper left corner to bring up an edit field where you can type in chapter and verse, or keyword.
Hope this helps!
Bible Plans are not affected! I do wish they would bring back the plain old list; but this work around seems to work!

By Karok on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 18:19

hi all, can we have a few of us testing this app for the makers of this app so that these erhors do not keep occuring? just a thought

By Jo on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 18:19

I emailed the YouVersion Bible app support from the app and received a quick reply. They said that the inaccessibility of the read tab will be fixed very soon in the next update.

By PinkCupcake5 on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 18:19

Hi! A new update was released 3 days ago and that fixed the "read" tab problem for me.

By DMNagel on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 18:19

Like the title says, it's fixed for me.

By Diana on Wednesday, July 25, 2018 - 18:19

Does anyone have a workaround for rating plans? Doesn’t seem to work very well for me using the slider

By chidovictor on Saturday, August 25, 2018 - 18:19

I suddenly discovered that I could no longer view or read my bible when I have no network.Even when I download it,and switch off my network,the offline version will not work.Also the downloaded version seems to reverse its self to an undownloded status.Its so frustrating

By AbleTec on Saturday, August 25, 2018 - 18:19

In reply to by Diana

Hi, chidovictor. Some of the bibles only work when online. That's particularly true of the audio versions.